izzienelsonn Member


  • Thank you for all your responses. I forgot to mention i’m a bit rubbish at calorie counting/ logging and only start up again when i feel really awful - i think i’ll have to start making it part of a daily routine. i maintained weight for almost 2 years +/-5lbs, but always managed to lose weight pretty much as quickly as i…
  • I weight myself daily (even after cheat meals/ days) and i also weigh my food as much as possible and scan packets etc except on cheat days. On cheat days my cheat food is pretty much all I eat besides a homemade smoothie I have for breakfast (Usually around 200 calls depending on the fruit and veg used) but then again I…
  • I went on the combined pill in september 2014 and by december 2014 I had gained about 20lbs. However this could've been down to my age (quite young to have gone on it) and over eating a great deal/ stress eating . Just over 2.5 years later I'm pretty much back to where i was before I went on it. Despite the weight gain I…
  • also over a month my weight probably averages about the same - a few loses and gains and I seem to end up the same weight i started. Time to start losing!
  • Thanks for all the replies, I wasn't expecting so many so quickly! When I say cheat day I mean I'll probably have my usual fruit and veg smoothie for breakfast and then skip lunch and eat unhealthy around dinner time. I haven't tracked calories on cheat days because i pick at things and nibble on so many things i can't…
  • Well done! You've done a great job & I'm inspired. My weightloss so far..... In Jan 2016 I lost 10lbs from cutting refined sugar & junk from my diet completely, eating 3 healthy meals a day (all including fruit and veg or chicken& fish or both) and not eating after 7pm - I went to bed hungry quite a lot! between feb &…
  • thanks everybody for all your help and advice and stuff! and well done to to all of u who have completed it or even some of it, I'm inspired to complete it. I'm struggling at the moment but only one day 10 so hopefully I can improve! thank you all :)
  • thank you! didn't think of that- doh
  • okay. thanks. :) I used a BMR calculator online which told me my BMR was 1646 or something around that- is that an indicator of how many calories I should be eating?
  • I use a GARMIN one and my heart rate peaks at 170bpm but is around 130 for most of the workout am I'm 5 foot 6 inches and weigh 160.8 pounds. I do Zumba power- one of the older ones not sure if it's any different? :)
  • I use a heart rate monitor which tells me and I do Zumba power for an hour and a half :)
  • okay thankyou will try this
  • I have a heart rate monitor and I do Zumba power for an hour an a half :)