stealthytiger Member


  • I'm 51years old. I've lost, then regained and now loosing again. I've done fairly well, actually. Only gained 30 back after a 2.5 year injury stopping my excersize. Now, I've been binge free as well for a little over 2 months.. Some of that is mental training... Realizing that the food artist make all the food look way…
  • Yes.. last night I was having 4 cups broccoli and 4 cups cauliflower for dinner. I had a slice of whole wheat bread with sweet cream butter. I could only eat half of it, because ; my stomach started cramping. The vegetables were cooked in the microwave and I took 2beno ccapsules before I ate any. I've eaten large quantitys…
  • I think sugar is the problem. bite and you want more.but it doesn't fill you up and too much makes you your stuck in a viscous need to eat some healthy foods....then you want more sugar....