

  • Congrats Sarah what a brilliant feeling!!!! You must be so proud! I'm a size 16 in pants and I don't think I can ever imagine myself being a size 10 again ( I say again as I was a size 10 before I started having the kids ) think half of my problem is a 'mind' issue lol! Again well done hunnie xxxxxxxxx
  • Hi Sarah :) I agree, have your fruit and nut bar today, you totally deserve it! We shouldn't really eliminate everything 'bad' from our lives as that's what leads to us craving so badly for things then we just 'pig out'! So by all means have your bar and weigh in on Friday as usual! I'm sure you'll have it worked off by…
  • Hello everyone:) I'm Mary I currently weigh 13stone 2lbs, think that's 184lbs ( will double check). My goal is to lose 7lbs at least by oct 31st. That's half a stone and I would prefer weight to come off slowly rather than quickly as it has a better chance to stay off. I also commit to having No take away food for the…
  • Hi tmkenny, I'm Mary, and I have so far lost 13lbs from using MFP, but since last october have lost 35lb in total.! Believe me if I can do that anything is possible! I know how it feels to be so unhappy with your weight, it gets you down doesn't it? Well you've come to the right place because with logging everything thy…
  • Hi there! First of All congrats on the 12lb weight loss so far! I know how hard it is to lose it, ice lost 13lb's so far on this bit altogether in last 11 months I've lost 35lb!! It's a daily struggle but one that I'm willing to take on. No ones gonna do it for us right? We all def need friends here for motivation and…
  • Hi Marie have you tried Zumba!!! It will make you sweat sweat sweat lol, you can do it in your living room when your little one is in bed? I have just bought it on the wii but you can get it on DVD too!
  • Hi and welcometo MFP !! Has to be the best site I've come across, whether you have 10lb's to lose like you or 50lbs with the aid of this site it's possible! I can't stress enough that's it's all about honesty! You have to be honest with your food diary otherwise it's not going to work! Log everything that passes your lips…
  • Hi Nicola and welcome!!! You are on the right road and believe you can do this!! Take each day as it comes, be honest with your logging and try your best!!! Feel free to add me, best of luck, Mary!
  • Hi and welcome!!! You will soon get hooked on this site! And Believe that You will succeed in losing the weight you wish, just being honest with yourself, log everything and keep a positive attitude towards the whole thing!!! It can be done with the right frame of mind! Good luck and believe in yourself! X
  • Hi Susie, Welcome to this wonderful site! I started here last September, but due to illness and not being able to keep logging etc I stopped but started again about last month!! I've about 13lbs lost so far on this but over all since last September I've lost about 35lbs! Which is massive for me as I was struggling for…
  • Thanks to you all who've taken the time to reply to me! It has shown me that there is still so much support here on the site, I haven't logged so far as I've only just come back on but will be starting tomorrow and it's nice to know there are some good decent people who honestly care on here!! I always had a healthy…