Zara Naylor and friends October challenge. (closed group)

Hi I'm Zara. Setting up this thread for me and my friends to set goals for October. Your goals can be anything! Weight, cutting certain things out, calories burnt per week, timed exercise... Anything really. We can chat, support each other and share recipes etc. Hope to get as many friends involved as possible.
Please introduce yourselves, say what your goals are, starting weight if you like, and we will go from there. The challenge you want to set yourself is completely up to you!
Zara x


  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm Zara. Starting weight 248lbs. Want to reach 237lbs by October 31st, putting me under 17 stone. I didn't drink fizzy pop \ soda or cordial for September and my weight loss sped up. I am to keep this up except for my birthday girls night. May have occasional drink with family but will be a rare treat. Also commit to burning 3500 calories plus per week in exercise. Average of 500 per day. More if possible. I also promise to support you as always and share any recipes you fancy on my diary!
    Zara x
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Hi everyone - I am Sarah.
    I am 141lb * ish * as I fluctuate ALL the time!! I ALWAYS have bloody chocolate so my goal will be NO chocolate WHAT SO EVER weather I am screaming, punching the walls etc.. I WILL BE GOOD!
    My aim is to get down to 137lb and to be honest I am more into toning rather then losing a great deal.
    I have lost in total to date 67lb * not including weigh in on monday ;-) * and I just really want to see ABS so EVERYDAY i will burn my *kitten* at ` my biggest loser ` for 30 mins and do punch bag and also using my ab crunching machine for around 100 sit ups a day.. which on average is around 250 so I am 1500 / 2000 cals exercise a week !
    I will measure my self starting Monday and post it and I will be soooooooooooooo good it is untrue!
    Sarah :-D
  • marykly
    marykly Posts: 14
    Hello everyone:) I'm Mary I currently weigh 13stone 2lbs, think that's 184lbs ( will double check). My goal is to lose 7lbs at least by oct 31st. That's half a stone and I would prefer weight to come off slowly rather than quickly as it has a better chance to stay off. I also commit to having No take away food for the whole month!!! No even a single bite :)that'll be a bit hard for me!!! Am also gOing to commit to doing my Zumba workout at least 3 times a week, don't know how many cals I will be burning as I have to ease myself back into it. Will be weighing in every Wednesday night, as I feel I need the weekly weigh to keep me on track also. :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi everyone - I am Sarah.
    I am 141lb * ish * as I fluctuate ALL the time!! I ALWAYS have bloody chocolate so my goal will be NO chocolate WHAT SO EVER weather I am screaming, punching the walls etc.. I WILL BE GOOD!
    My aim is to get down to 137lb and to be honest I am more into toning rather then losing a great deal.
    I have lost in total to date 67lb * not including weigh in on monday ;-) * and I just really want to see ABS so EVERYDAY i will burn my *kitten* at ` my biggest loser ` for 30 mins and do punch bag and also using my ab crunching machine for around 100 sit ups a day.. which on average is around 250 so I am 1500 / 2000 cals exercise a week !
    I will measure my self starting Monday and post it and I will be soooooooooooooo good it is untrue!
    Sarah :-D
    Hi honey, fantastic goals! No chocolate for a month. I'm not quite ready for that yet lol. I will do measurements too. Ill be here for you every step of the way! X
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm Brian. My current weight as of today, October 1, is 373.8

    My goals for October are:

    1. Weigh 365 by October 31, which will require a loss of 8.8 lbs this month
    2. Burn 5,000 calories per week, and 20,000 calories for the month

    SW: 373.8 lbs
    October 1: Burned 839 calories
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hello everyone:) I'm Mary I currently weigh 13stone 2lbs, think that's 184lbs ( will double check). My goal is to lose 7lbs at least by oct 31st. That's half a stone and I would prefer weight to come off slowly rather than quickly as it has a better chance to stay off. I also commit to having No take away food for the whole month!!! No even a single bite :)that'll be a bit hard for me!!! Am also gOing to commit to doing my Zumba workout at least 3 times a week, don't know how many cals I will be burning as I have to ease myself back into it. Will be weighing in every Wednesday night, as I feel I need the weekly weigh to keep me on track also. :)
    Fantastic commitments Mary. You'll feel amazing when you reach those goals. Just having water last month was hard, but I don't really want pop anymore. Maybe that will happen for you with take away. I don't crave that anymore either. You have a lot going on and your doing amazing!!! Keep your chin up! Ill be here every step of the way. You will have to post your losses on Wednesdays. I weighed in today, ill log tomorrow what weight I am. You can do it Mary! Whoop whoop! X
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    I'm Sharon. I currently weigh 276 pounds.

    Goals for October:
    - weigh 269 pounds by 31 October (lose 7 pounds) and hopefully fit into my old work trousers (I can pull them up but they're not ready to do up yet!)
    - burn 3000 calories each week and introduce some new types of exercise
    - I usually swim once a week, so I want to make time to add at least 2 extra swims this month

    Best wishes to everyone taking part. xx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm Brian. My current weight as of today, October 1, is 373.8

    My goals for October are:

    1. Weigh 365 by October 31, which will require a loss of 8.8 lbs this month
    2. Burn 5,000 calories per week, and 20,000 calories for the month

    SW: 373.8 lbs
    October 1: Burned 839 calories
    Wow fantastic goals! 5000 a week. Great goal and sensible weight loss. Love how you changed your signature. Ok I'm gonna change my goal to 20,000 calories burnt for October. You motivated me. Its 4 weeks 3 days so ok if I have a week doing a little less. Have the polar come monday so can monitor accurately too. Ill change my signature with progress too. So proud of you! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm Sharon. I currently weigh 276 pounds.

    Goals for October:
    - weigh 269 pounds by 31 October (lose 7 pounds) and hopefully fit into my old work trousers (I can pull them up but they're not ready to do up yet!)
    - burn 3000 calories each week and introduce some new types of exercise
    - I usually swim once a week, so I want to make time to add at least 2 extra swims this month

    Best wishes to everyone taking part. xx
    Aw just fantastic honey. Glad your in on the challenge. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you! X
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Hi im Reenie. So excited to be a part of this challenge.

    Weight as of today: 158.6

    Goal weight by Oct 31: 148.00

    I am currently doing the 17 day diet cycle 1. So I am using all real foods, no processed foods. Limiting sugar and carbs. So far so good. But I cannot eliminate chocolate just yet. I do have 1 diet coke sometimes during week. Usually none on weekends. Hope that doesnt throw me off . I want to work out 5 days a week.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi im Reenie. So excited to be a part of this challenge.

    Weight as of today: 158.6

    Goal weight by Oct 31: 148.00

    I am currently doing the 17 day diet cycle 1. So I am using all real foods, no processed foods. Limiting sugar and carbs. So far so good. But I cannot eliminate chocolate just yet. I do have 1 diet coke sometimes during week. Usually none on weekends. Hope that doesnt throw me off . I want to work out 5 days a week.
    So fantastic to have you on the challenge. Great goals... Your doing fantastic! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi everyone, its Zara. Thanks for everyone who's joined so far... I've decided to change my goal for exercise to meet brians so I can encourage him and get some back to push me and him to meet our goal. My signature on the bottom of my posts will change each day to show where I'm up to. Will post every so often about it too. Have a great day everyone x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Zara... So I just weighed in plus 2lbs in 2days, making my weekly loss 1lb. Not too happy! Lol. I've worked much harder than that. When I was down other night at like 1am I ate a freddo and white choc buttons extra 230 cals, still way under maintenance cals, so surely it can't be that! Only lost 2lb last week too. Feel I must be going wrong somewhere as I was getting 3 - 4lb losses before. I'm now 250 lbs. I've decided to change my weight loss goal for October to 242lbs. Which is -8lbs. More realistic considering the current rate of loss and the birthday and birthday girls night out. My goal was 251 for my birthday 6th october. Will weigh in Thursday to see where I am against that target. New goal for October... Absolutely no weigh ins except for weigh in days, because I know I've been weighing in 2lbs lighter all week which makes this all the more annoying! Ha ha. Going to weigh in Thursday 6th, Sat 15th, Monday 24th, Monday 31st and NOTHING inbetween. Days are odd because I want a birthday weight and girls night out weight lol x
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi everyone, its Zara. Thanks for everyone who's joined so far... I've decided to change my goal for exercise to meet brians so I can encourage him and get some back to push me and him to meet our goal. My signature on the bottom of my posts will change each day to show where I'm up to. Will post every so often about it too. Have a great day everyone x

    I'm so glad you are doing this Zara! We can do it. October is goin to be our best month yet!!! :smile:
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    October 2: Burned 572 calories
    Total:1,411 calories
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    October 2: Burned 572 calories
    Total:1,411 calories
    Whoop whoop!!! Fantastic burns! So glad we are doing it together too. It is going to be our best month yet! X
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Zara,
    Is it to late to join? I saw where it says closed but then I noticed your post talking to those that had joined "so far" which was posted today, so I thought there might still be a chance to get in. I would like to get into this group if it's still possible. I joined MFP back in Aug weighing 240 and have lost 8 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 10 lbs a month but as you can see that hasn't been the case since I have been working on it nearly two months and have only lost 8 lbs so far. I need to be a part of a group that can help give me that extra push to hit that 10 lb mark each month. I walked a 5k yesterday, and took a much needed rest today. Going to be training this week on Mon, Wed, Sat. for C25K, zumba on tues and thurs, and hiking on Friday.
    If I can't get in to this group, I understand but at least since I posted I will at least be able to follow along with your progress I hope. Still trying to figure out how all this community posting stuff works, LOL.
  • darlalu00
    darlalu00 Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone ....I'm Darla

    My goals for October are:

    1. Weigh 245 by October 31, which will require a loss of 15 lbs this month
    2. Burn 5,000 calories per week, and 20,000 calories for the month
    3. Walk 200 miles by October 31.

    SW: 260 lbs (I weigh in on Mondays)
    October 1: Burned 1179 Calories
    October 2: Burned 896 calories

    Total Calories burned for October 2075

    Sorry I'm a day late Zara...but yesterday was my birthday and I wasn't home all day. Better late than never!!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi Zara,
    Is it to late to join? I saw where it says closed but then I noticed your post talking to those that had joined "so far" which was posted today, so I thought there might still be a chance to get in. I would like to get into this group if it's still possible. I joined MFP back in Aug weighing 240 and have lost 8 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 10 lbs a month but as you can see that hasn't been the case since I have been working on it nearly two months and have only lost 8 lbs so far. I need to be a part of a group that can help give me that extra push to hit that 10 lb mark each month. I walked a 5k yesterday, and took a much needed rest today. Going to be training this week on Mon, Wed, Sat. for C25K, zumba on tues and thurs, and hiking on Friday.
    If I can't get in to this group, I understand but at least since I posted I will at least be able to follow along with your progress I hope. Still trying to figure out how all this community posting stuff works, LOL.
    Hi I've friend requested you. Feel free to join! Zara
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hello everyone ....I'm Darla

    My goals for October are:

    1. Weigh 245 by October 31, which will require a loss of 15 lbs this month
    2. Burn 5,000 calories per week, and 20,000 calories for the month
    3. Walk 200 miles by October 31.

    SW: 260 lbs (I weigh in on Mondays)
    October 1: Burned 1179 Calories
    October 2: Burned 896 calories

    Total Calories burned for October 2075

    Sorry I'm a day late Zara...but yesterday was my birthday and I wasn't home all day. Better late than never!!!
    Hi honey, great to have you in the challenge! This my friends is super woman! You'll soon see why!!! He he. Great goals. We are aiming to achieve so much between us all. It really is remarkable! X