

  • something around US size 6-7 - but really where ever i end up once i'm down do a decent body fat percentage, i don't care what size that turns out to be.
  • I asked one of the trainers at my gym about that just last week. He said it was better to do the strength training first because it builds up your muscle, so that (eventually), you will have more endurance and strength to get thru more cardio later - he compared it to getting more gas to run your engine with. In practice…
  • there was a long thread going yesterday where most people were saying they usually only eat about half of it back, if that helps
  • I'd agree with the "weight is just a number" assessment - don't worry about how *much* you weigh, as much as how toned/fit you are - or what your body fat percentage is - thats the important number. Muscle weighs a lot more than fat - you can be 142 lbs and have a lot of fat, or you can be 142 lbs thats mostly muscle. I…
  • if its difficult for you to eat that much and you feel like you are over eating or stuffing yourself and feel full all the time - then you probably don't actually need to eat that much. i'm 5'7 and i hardly ever eat more than 1000 calories a day, even on the days i exercise - its rare for me to hit the end of the day and…
  • i have yet to hear anything good about GMO's, and an awful lot of bad. I also hear a lot people who like to say "oh poo, thats just tripe" - but can't ever back it up with any real studies. Since I can't afford to run a lab of my own to perform my own studies dissecting and testing the stuff - what I can tell you is this:…
  • If I'm not recording it, its generally because I have in the past and it was almost nothing. I always record it if its the first time I've eaten it since starting to use MFP - because I'm curious how much it has. Like yesterday I had half a cup of spinach for part of my dinner - 8 calories. No I won't bother to record that…
  • The good news is that vege's are very low cal (so low I don't even record them half the time - 8 calories for a cup of vege's, why bother? lol) - however, cheese and most other dairy is pretty high calorie (especially butter). I actually have a hard time meeting my calorie count most days, unless I go out to eat somewhere.…
  • i worked tickets at the entrance to a parking lot years ago... i let several guys park their bikes for free... was it because they were guys? nope... it was because they were riding harleys... :D
  • It is rare that I feel I was treated better just because I'm a woman - overall, I feel life is much more difficult because I am one. I don't get any breaks from anyone and never have - men almost never hold doors for me (other women are more likely to), I have yet to get hired for my looks (that I was aware of), and its…
  • I see those same guys too, maybe its the roids :P
  • To be something close to a size 6 and look good in a bikini again by June - would like to also be under 140 lbs but thats less important to me than size and body fat % - currently down to size 10 from a 16, having lost 35 lbs so far since October.
  • Not to be harsh but that essay does really sound like a lot of excuses - excuses can be valid, but only so much as you allow them to be. So your roommate will laugh at you - he's a jerk - so what? Is it more important to get into shape or to let a jerk have control of your life? (Make food he hates until he leaves you…
  • exactly... i need something to eat after work, before i go to the gym, so I'm not crashing after the workout. i'm not carrying around chicken in my backpack for that...
  • Wow thanx, very informational and I see Quest Bars are listed as #1 - i will have to look into them, thx guys =)
  • These schmucks can go on and on about 'willpower' and 'big girl panties' all they want to. If you're periods genuinely make you ill, and exercising during them is extremely difficult due to either the pain or whatever other complications - don't hurt yourself just to not miss a couple days of exercise. You would do more…
  • other than the obvious that corn isn't a vegetable... its a grain... i do have a suggestion on the vege's, like others have said - try them - but, here's what i did with both my daughter and my niece - they were not allowed to say whether they liked or disliked a vegetable or fruit (or any other food) until they had tried…
  • My motivators in general = looking better and having more energy... But the #1 motivator... That crestfallen "I'm an idiot" look on my ex boyfriends face when I walk past him - looking better and better every time it happens. Every time I see that look, I feel like I won, I triumphed. I've lost 30+ pounds and at least 6…