Gatubela01 Member


  • I know this seems counterproductive, but take time to workout. The 30 minutes you spend running will pay off with increased productivity and focus. Taking the workout off the calendar may seem like the most effective thing to do when you have a big project, but it's when you most need to take time out for a workout.
  • Roasted Cabbage 1 head of red or green cabbage, cut into wedges 1tsp olive oil salt & pepper to taste Coat wedges with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until crispy Enjoy!
  • # of servings? size of serving? how many calories per serving? [/quote] cherub_72 I only use about 1/2 of the yogurt sauce for the entire head of cauliflower, and I cut it into quarters. That's how I input the recipe into MFP, and I got a 73 calorie/serving count. The recipe yields a lot more sauce than I need or like. I'm…
  • I definitely have boiled eggs on hand all the time. I use them on salads for a little protein boost sometimes.
  • I'm glad so many of you like this recipe. If you do, you'll have lots of leftover yogurt sauce, which is a great dipping sauce for other veggies or even chicken. I coated some chicken breasts with it and baked them, and they were delicious. So...Bonus!
  • Ha! I am a firm believer in that when it's pizza time, it's GOOD pizza time! If I stay on track all week, I'm gonna go for the gold and grab a delicious slice at the end of the week (after a good run, of course!). I love this recipe. The best part is that I always have tons of leftover low-fat dip I can use with other…
  • Grad school is awesome, stressful, and crazy all at once. Having a good support network in place will definitely help you stay on track. Welcome!
  • Hi, everyone. I am a political science major, so our crazy politicians keep me plenty busy! I hope you're all having healthy and productive weekends. Liz
  • Hi, Jessie. I'm Liz, and I'm working on a poli sci PhD. I, too, am yo-yoing due to school-related stress. I promised myself I would have a more balanced semester, and it's working out well so far. It's hard, and sometimes I fall behind in class because I spend too much time cooking, but it's worth it. The tricky part for…