

  • Hello! I am new here and really could use all the support I can get. You can add me to your friends list. I would love to have another person cheering me on to my goal. I would like to have others to also cheer on to their goals. As a group we all can help each other out so much.
  • I know it is discouraging to not see the weight go but maybe you are not eating enough to actually make you metab. boost up and kick in to gear. I think if I were you I would reevaluate my food intake and make sure I and eating enough to help me lose. I know it does sound funny you have to eat more to lose but you have to…
  • I would check out the cals for different mixed drinks then decide on one or two. You could factor in the cals so it fits into you allowed cals. if possible Also possibly avoid more sugary drinks.. Then get right back on track the next day. Have fun and don't worry so much about treating yourself. You deserve it.
  • Hello Linda: I am very interested in joining your group if you still have room. I have struggled all my life with weight lose and I really need lots of support to keep me focused. I have a very busy schedule with a 14 yrs old son and a 9 yr old son and a husband that travels a lots. I have just started this journey again…
  • Carrollton Tx is my city. We have lived here for over 16 yrs. Originally from North Louisiana.
  • I agree with everyone else here on adding it. It is extra activity for you. I walk a lots for my job as a sub teacher but my husband and I have started a 2 mile a night walk 3mph so I surely add that to my exercise log. I also am trying to add in more strength training to my day. Lifting groceries, books when I am subbing,…
  • Hello! I am willing to support you if you are willing to support me. I am a 47yr old who needs lots of motivation to eat lite food and watch may cals. as much as possibly. I really love the way we can record our foods here and it make it more real to us. It makes me own up to myself and my faults and flaws. I love having…
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