

  • Hey Bunny well what i was thinking is start doing some abdominal work and do more sets on the side that needs the help or just do every thing on that side besides the crutches but mostly everything oblique like bicycles and bends do it on the side that needs help and when you stretch out give that side a good stretch. Just…
  • well the easiest way that i did that for me is i got a heart rate/ calorie counter watch. Im a college student so expensive wasnt an option lol. I keep wanting to use it so i do and it also shows you how much calories your really burning it makes you want to do it more often. Just shopping and walking around for an hour…
  • so the skinny is that just by doing nothing or laying in bed all day people burn calories cause all or body functions properly and whatnot so basically you go into 1000 or so negative depends on your weight and height to gain weight a person must eat MORE then what they fully burn off to maintain you eat the exact amount…
  • Your right america is a sad sad place for that!!!!! the more pop-culture you get the more sadder it turns!!!! They don't even teach it by the necessary time 5th grade i had a period video and 9th grade 9th!!!!! name me some normal 9th graders who have sustained from sex not much. and 9th grade we had a sex ed class!!! My…
  • Dear Bunny Bee, First off!!! stop doing this for other people and focus on you. WHO CARES IF THEY SAY YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!! if its working for you then by all means necessary do it!!!! take it at YOUR pace and do WHAT YOU want!. As long as your happy with the results. THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Do this to feel sexy…
  • me two this is my third day sorta hope your having a wonderful time its all uphill/ wonders from here!
  • Hi im Alina this site is great id love to make some friends to motivate me whom i can motivate as well!!!
    in Hi Comment by alina323 March 2011