
BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
Today I realized a couple things. One, i'm not as proud to be an american as i should be (that makes me so so so so sad... cuz theres so much TO love in spite of everything...)when I see how behind we are compared to the rest of the world... when it comes to things like sex and such... We wait to teach our children about sex to 'protect' them... trying so very hard to promote abstinence but it DOESNT work. In america we are highest in pregnancy and sds ... higher than anywhere else... Its insane.

and two... that my boyfriend is amazing.
to know that he'd never force me or make me think i had to have sex in order for him to stick around... makes me more comfortable to be with him when that time comes.. He makes my world a better place... the one person in the world i can talk to about anything... and that makes it so much better. . in every aspect of my life... if something happens or I'm feeling like giving up on my diet or tired or irritated about any of the many things that do that to me in my day... i can tell him...
people think i'm crazy.
my family thinks i've made him up because i haven't introduced them. . . but thats part of the reason. My uncles are *kitten*, one is overly conservative and ignorant thinking people like john stewart are ruining our world... and the other is a cheating *kitten* and thinks all men cheat and doesn't seem to have any issue with voicing his opinion about it to me ... over a man he's never met. Just cuz he's a pig.
and they wonder why i don't want them in that part of my life yet.
i don't know many people that have a relationship like i do... even those who are close... which i think i only know one! .. still don't have the same connection..
To know that if i'm not ready... he would just hold me and still love me and not be angry?... is wonderful.

I feel lucky. . . despite everything else... i feel lucky. He's my biggest motivator...


  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    On your first part, the grass is always greener on the other side for sure :) Definitely be thankful for what you have. I know that it is easy to take things for granted.

    Secondly, it is amazing to have someone that you trust, someone you can tell anything to without judgement. I'm happy that you have someone who supports you through your journey. :)
  • helthymom6
    it says in your about me that your HUSBAND is amazing? I am confused are you married or dating?
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    it says in your about me that your HUSBAND is amazing? I am confused are you married or dating?

    lol i have a tendancy to call him hubby... its just.. ya. sorry for the confusion. ya i'm thankful for everything I do have ... I just get so angry sometimes at the way things are when it comes to our kids in this country I think people that shouldn't be treated unfairly are... and its horrible because our military should be honored for all they do and our children should be treated like gold. instead of like nothing.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    I'm thankful I had a mother that was.. above any of the other thing against her... open and honest about sex with us at a younger age.. thankful that because I knew what it was I did abstain. It wasn't taboo to me. I know that though private, *kitten* isn't a thing to be ashamed of and that sometimes it actually ... can be amazing as well... teaching yourself about your own body and quelling desires without doing something you might regret... And when i did learn the little they tried to teach us in one day about even my PERIOD when i was a kid... I would've been lost had I not been taught already.. Problem is... not everyone gets that.

    it makes me sad.
  • alina323
    alina323 Posts: 7
    Your right america is a sad sad place for that!!!!! the more pop-culture you get the more sadder it turns!!!! They don't even teach it by the necessary time 5th grade i had a period video and 9th grade 9th!!!!! name me some normal 9th graders who have sustained from sex not much. and 9th grade we had a sex ed class!!! My mother and sister were very open mother never fully taught me much she gave me a couple of books i asked some questions but more or less my mother always said sex is a serious thing not to be taken lightly its great its joyous. It gives you children but its a lot of responsibility and care for your own body. I could have had sex at anytime but i waited till the right time and till i was ready. I was 20 when it happened and it was with my boyfriend we are still together and he was more then patient!