timragan Member


  • I've been taking Metformin for about 6 months for diabetes. It seems pretty mild to me given that I was taking Glyburide AND Avandia before I began exercising and dieting. I don't experience any side effects that I can tell and hope that I will be off of it completely within the year.
  • Congratulations!! A good outcome on the scale is a great motivator.
  • Happy Dancing here. Had a great weight loss week of 7 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy:
  • Since we are posting stats: Highest weight 426 Weight as of last Monday (I will weigh later this morning) 309 My goal is to get to at least 250. 59 lbs feels doable to me and that is a first. :happy:
  • Wise words Joselem! I've also started to pay close attention to situations that lead to bad food choices. I do a lot of driving in my business and have eaten enough food behind the wheel to feed a small country. These days I eat nothing in the car except a occasional protein shake (not the same as "eating"). I also had a…
  • Thanks for all of your kind words. As Tam has already said I hope that the posts offer some help because I know that it helps me to be are part of the MFP community. I hope I never forget how hopeless I was feeling with regard to my weight and health. I've still got about 60 lbs to lose and I plan to get there. Tam - I am…
  • Too funny! I do the same. Different tile.
  • Tam, That is a great post! I've had a lifetime struggle with weight and my recent changes in how I view food and the future have been the essential element in losing weight. As I think about the role that food has played in my life it is no wonder that I gained tremendous amounts of weight. I ate to celebrate with family,…
  • I weigh once weekly. Same day and time of day, clothing, etc. I rarely weigh in between because it can really make me crazy.
  • Hi everyone, I've been absent from this forum for a bit. Business travel keeps me busy and also presents me with a little bit of a challenge to stay on my plan. I have a long history of eating poorly on the road and..... old habits are hard to overcome. I am keeping at it and hope you all can find some strength when you…
  • apigsavedmylife, What a great name and an unexpected moment to find motivation! Thanks for sharing it and I wish you success. You can do it. Tim
  • never knew I was so "lucky" :laugh:
  • I took Avandia, then Metformin(Glucophage), then graduated to Glyburide and Avandia together. After losing a good bit of weight I am now taking 500 MG Metformin 2 X daily and have dropped the Glyburide and Avandia. I never had any diarrhea problems.
  • I started dieting March 3, 2008 at 426 lbs. I was told to drink half my weight in ozs of water every day. I will tell you that if you are consuming 213 ozs of water every day there is quite a bit of exercise in just going to the bathroom. I've done that and try to do so every day though I am down to just needing 166 ozs…
  • Hey gang, How is everyone doing? I've been traveling all afternoon on just got to my hotel room about 1 hour ago. It's midnight local time in Kansas now and I've had a bit of a struggle thinking about ordering a pizza. Thankfully I cranked up my laptop and decided to check in here. I think I'll wait a day or two have…
  • I have had hip and knee replacement in the last 2 1/2 years and have been too big to run for over 15 years. I started 5 months ago with 20 minutes on a stationary bike and now do 30-35 minutes daily on an elliptical trainer which is much more like running. Lots of people swear by swimming (including my orthopedic surgeon)…
  • Tam, Shorerider, I hold a similar view. Thanks for your posts and inspiration. TR
  • Took the tag off of my mattress. And maybe a few other things that shouldn't list.:ohwell:
  • Having a low calorie shake for lunch along with some celery. It's crazy how something I never really liked can taste so good. I am referring to the celery. Just had a moment and decided to say hello to all. Back to work.
  • Lauren, you look fantastic. Great job!
  • Hi Emikarls I am glad you are here. This is a great, supportive place. My calorie consumption is much lower than it should be. I do make sure I have enough protein or there will be no energy. I am positive that I haven't been close to my daily number in calories but am generally over on protein. Good luck.
  • Congrats to everyone here on your losses. Big or small - they all count!
  • Christy, Hope you are feeling OK today and not too "hung over" from the weekend. We all understand.
  • Hello to all my friends on this thread, My Monday weigh in showed another 4 lb loss in the last week. I keep expecting the pace of loss to slow down but its moving along pretty well so far. I am happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep at your routines and you'll get results. Tim
  • Way to go shorerider. Keep working it.:smile:
  • Hey Mechanicmom, Its over. Throw the self-flagellation out instead and focus on the day. Your focus was on-target and the restaurant let you down by advertising something in an inappropriate way. Its a new day and you can choose to move forward without regret. I promise you'll enjoy it more than worrying about something…
  • Congratulations Christy --- no mourning today!!:tongue:
  • Hi Laura, I had the same problem with limited exercise when I started. To add insult to injury I had my left knee replaced in Sept. 2007 and my right hip in Jan. 2005. These are a couple of good reasons for all of you folks younger than me to get the weight off. Most likely my arthritis is obesity induced. I am 52 and was…
  • Great comments artschoolgirl. I especially like the "don't deprive yourself" comment.
  • Hi Alley, I've lost just over 100 lbs and still have about 75 to go. From a sanity perspective I tell myself that I can eat pizza, french fries, etc., fill in the blank, just not today. I also know that I will eat/drink things that are not good for me and when it happens I shrug it off and move on. I don't beat myself up…