I can certainly relate, as I am in the same boat and somewhat disgusted. Then I sat myself down and tried to figure out where I am going wrong. I found that eating two little chocolates a day could be one of the culprits, not always measuring the way I should, and figured one or two more little bites will not hurt, but…
That was clever and good luck, it is a hard but very worthy cause :)
:smile: very interesting ....will have to find that sweet spot
am with you on that one. It shocks me how very quickly the calories run up, 900 is a lot. What do you eat?
welcome to the group:happy:
thank, need all the support we can get right. We are in this together.
It is said that is takes 66 days to form a new hang in there and keep on pushing yourself to go. I have to. The excuses I come up with not to go are pathetic, but I silence that little voice and go to the gym. Once there I am so happy I did. Yoga helps me to go as well, have your tried it? It takes one month…
You look wonderful :) What a wonderful feeling that must be. Hoping I will be posting something similar soon. Tracker does make it so much easier. Congrats keep up the good work
no not necessarily. Only if it says so on the bag.