kodak1122 Member


  • Hello, I am a mother of 7 (blended family) and I am also a in home Daycare Provider. I am trying to lose 56 lbs. Feel free to add me!!
  • Feel free to add me, however I have a little more then you to lose, (currently about 56 lbs). I am a in home daycare provider, and so I know it can be more challenging to stick to the health habits. Although I am also now teaching the kids about making healthier choices. We still however have some treats in the house that…
  • Hi Corrine!! This is my second round with My Fitness Pal. Definitely add me as a friend.
  • I weigh and measure my food all the time. I make sure I record everything even on my splurge days when I know I will blow through all my calories. The minute I don't do this I see the weight starting to come back on. I would also get a second opinion on the thyroid issue. Feel free to add me!
  • I so hate exercise!! I never use to, and loved running!! I don't believe in cutting out food groups and my husband is a chef and also firmly believes in "everything in moderation".
  • I guess I should have been more specific as my post was vague...I would like to add a protein powder to my smoothies that would not add a ton of calories, does this even exist?
  • That is amazing!! Way to go!! Trulyan inspiration!!
  • Great Job!! Love how you are letting yourself enjoy your Favorite Cookie and how you put the nutritional information is not for the faint hearted. It just goes to show that when you start dieting and paying attention to calories and such, you realize how bad you really did eat before, and as you continue to diet, how much…
  • What are we all tracking? I am interested!!
  • That is amazing!! It is so nice to hear of these stories so close to home!! It is even better of hearing that you didn't follow a diet plan, you just instead choose a different lifestyle!! I truly need this inspiration as I struggle on days, and hearing these types of stories keep me focused, or even refocus me on days…
  • I have been on here for a month and have lost 12 lbs. I have about 46 more lbs to go!! I in getting married in April of 2015 and would love to be somewhat close to my goal by then!! Encouragement is always a good thing, my fiancé and I are doing this together, along with the Best Man and his partner!! Feel free to add me…