potionsmistressful Member


  • All right... well, salutations from Michigan!! Good to see people with the same interest and also wanting to get fit! excellent! Well, I guess I need to span out the animes I watch there aren't that many. I have seen and like: Naruto (this one started it all actually) Attack on Titan Afro Samurai Samurai Champloo ...…
  • I believe so, all are correct. You gotta take the symptoms with PCOS with a grain of salt because it really depends on what sort of imbalance there is, I battle a bit with excess hair and missing periods, I am definitely trying my best to lose the weight. You can too dears! It depends also on how you take it, cysts just…
  • From the anime Naruto: Itachi Uchiha inspiers me to become fitter!! I am finishing up P90X and about to go for another round. We aren't stopping till we get to the main goal. For some strange reason Itachi really inspires me to get healthier, give it my all. I think of what a strong character he is and I want to be just as…
  • I am finally starting to see that myself not the only one. I mean I know I wasn't but, most women around me are very normal, complain about getting their periods, and all that I'm here like... uh... mine comes twice a year... if I'm lucky. Anyways, a good diet and exercise is key and of course extra beauty treatments and…
  • OMG!!!!! I thought I was the only one that felt this way!!! I love it when my period comes because it actually came naturally as it was supposed to. I too have PCOS. It makes me feel sad and ugly and all those things. but I know that losing weight will help and is helping. I want to be a mommy some day. I want to be…
  • You know, it's very encouraging when another woman with pcos is open about it. I actually haven't tried to get pregnant, I'm still working on my degree, although I do have concerns that it would be difficult for me, I no longer menstruate as a normal woman should every month, for me it's actually maxiumum 2 or 3 times a…