orangesmarties Member


  • Ah, it was on and off for about a year or so. I was at my heaviest December 2013, lost some then gained it again the next December, but looked completely different due to all my training. Then I had a really good go at Carol Vorderman's detox diet, got down to about 9 and a half, stopped a while and didn't diet, then lost…
  • Hard work is the answer, but I would advise you that the only reason I am succeeding in my weight loss now is because I cleaned up my diet big time, and now pay super-hyper-duper-crazy attention to what and how much I eat. You need to understand that the number of calories you burn is dependent on many factors, one major…
  • Gah, tell me about it!! Here are some things that have been making a difference for me: 1) Work your arms and shoulders. Although in women, they don't build muscle that readily, just having a little going on will balance you out and also help with fat burning. It doesn't have to be much, just a couple tricep dips, press…
  • Yes! Yes! Yes! I fast 20 hrs a day, with an eating window of between 4pm and 8pm. It is awesome! I didn't really get on with 5:2, but this is mending my relationship with food. It was causing me a lot of stress and worry and now I've just compressed it into a 4 hour slot. I wouldn't stress about metabolism or starvation…
  • Thank you everyone for your helpful responses! :)
  • Nope! That is one plus! I just worry that I won't have as much time to exercise, and that convenience will conquer health when I come to cook. Or just comfort eating :/
  • Because scales are pretty expensive! And a massive faff to take to and from university, because they are heavy and delicate.
  • If I were you, I would seek some help and support before it gets bad. I used to binge eat horribly and my big thing was sugar. The hardest part was being "found out" and telling my family. I just completely cut out the processed stuff for a couple months, got it out of the house, wouldn't be anywhere near it. I was so…
  • I actually tried 5:2 (albeit when I wasn't really in the right place to be dieting at all) and it more or less led me to bulimia. I would find that I would stick to the fast days, but then have phenomenal binges on other days and try to make myself sick. It was one of the worst seasons of my life. I don't think it really…
  • Well I put my breakfast as being no more than 300 calories, as I measure everything out carefully to count it. And I'd estimate my tea as being a maximum of 500 calories, seeing as it is always healthy and low calories being approximately 800. Honestly with no hunger! Thank you for your replies guys :)
  • Absolutely not! However, it really is worth cutting back on simple carbs and sugar, and replacing them with "good carbs" like brown rice, potato, wholegrain bread, and vegetables. As a vegan long-distance runner, part of the problem (low energy, low mood) was not enough of these, as they contain so many important…
  • I don't count the calories burned in exercise to be honest, because I think that it is a slippery slope. Although I do sometimes take them into account when I'm training REALLY hard (I'm talking anything over a half marathon!). To be honest, I think of exercise's main function as to keep my body looking "pretty" and not…
  • I'm doing this and I love it! I started doing it more to clear my head of worrying about the next meal than weight loss, but I have never known weight fall off so fast since I was overweight!! Basically my protocol is to have eaten my last meal by 8pm, then fast through to about 4pm, when I eat a healthy breakfast of…
  • I would stay well away from diuretics, most of them cause an inflammatory response that can make you feel incredibly bloated. The two things I can recommend are loads of water, to keep the belly bloat to a minimum, and some herbal teas: I like lemon and ginger during the day. Often when I'm craving something, I actually…
  • Hello! I'm starting over again too, after way too many failed attempts at losing weight :) I am 19 and on my way to university also - that is a big motivator for me as we'll be getting weighed and measured for nurses' uniforms and have all sorts of health tests done on us. I want to be proud of those results! I could also…
  • Wow! This is really encouraging! And doing three 24 hour fasts seems more sustainable somehow than a full-blown regime :) And it is good that you find yourself eating less: I think I tried it at first at the wrong time - over my A levels, so was very prone indeed to either binge or starve on my off days... but this is…
  • Yep. The reason why I am the size I am is that although I will do more or less as much exercise as I can in a day (that can mean 2 dog walks, a long run and potentially circuits), my diet completely lets me down. I can put away embarassing quantities of food. So part of the idea of the fasting is to restrict the eating,…
  • Thank you! And wow, what an amazing weight loss! How fast did it start coming off? Do you struggle at all with energy/concentration/hunger levels? How do you make your fasting cycles work with daily life?
  • Almonds are ludicrously good for you! I am a vegan and have struggled with feeling tired for most of the year since I made the decision; did some research; and they have so many nutrients that you need, especially as a lady. I now sprinkle just a few flaked ones on top of my breakfast every morning, with some almond milk,…
  • Thank you for your reply, it is really helpful. You say you fast from 12-5, is that both pm (so like 5 hours)? And what kind of things do you do in your workouts? I run 6 days a week, often twice a day, and have recently started circuits and boot camp a few times a week, but haven't seen any great results in the change…
  • To gain weight is completely normal, I would recommend just drinking loads, and keeping up the exercise. I've had a really nasty one this month, and as soon as I started exercising (all drugged up on Ibuprofen), I felt tonnes better. However, if the weight doesn't budge after your period, or you're finding it hard to lose…
  • Thank you, that's a really helpful post! I think you're both right and I should just follow that advice. I'm overcomplicating things, and losing the blubber by using common sense is the way forward :)
  • Thank you, I think that was the answer I needed to hear. I just need to get my butt into gear and sort myself out! I have a couple questions: - I assume bf% = body fat percentage? That would make sense as I think what I was getting at was that I thought all that muscle was covered in fat, which is making me bulky - what…
  • Puberty hit late - before puberty.
  • Well all I can really say is that I need to go at weight loss hard to stick at it, otherwise habits creep in and I get too arrogant. I am so desperate to lose the weight, so I say strike while the iron's still hot. I am fed up with the way I look now and can't wait to change, I want to wake up and look in the mirror and…
  • I'm sorry that you had to face those comments, I really am. I am struggling with the same kind of issue I think. Its a deeply ingrained one, and one day I just broke down and had to tell someone. On a daily basis, these things have helped me: - black coffee! Decaf if you prefer. It just reduces my appetite, and gives me a…