

  • You really need to soak eggplant in salty water for about 30 minutes, if you don't they become a soggy mess. dip in plain yogart and cover with panko pan fry and a light spagetti sauce. Yummy. Or you can also dip in egg whites and parmesan cheese and pan fry as well. Very good
  • I'm in. Looking forward to staying focus on me. SW - 214 lbs June 2 Week 1 - xxx lbs Week 2 - xxx lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - xx lbs
  • So everytime you want to eat a snack get up and walk, get your mind off it. You can also brush your teeth, Nothing like fresh pearly whites. last but not least I would say chew a piece of gum. You are doing a great job so far on your weigh loss, keep up the good work. I am a priority in my life
  • Love her video's as well. I know you can buy them at local stores now and not off the TV. I have had several different one's where you use the bands, the balls, etc. they are all good. Great to start your morning off right. I have a set of 1 mile 2 mile on up. Go for it you can't go wrong. Happy Walking