Snacking too much

Hi everyone,

I need some advice. I believe my food diary is set to public. As you can see I struggle with snacking, I always have. I believe that I have done well in that I used to snack on cola, crisps (like big eat bags etc) and bars of chocolate. I have swapped these for what, I hope, are healthier snacks.

The problem is I struggle to stay under my calorie limit and I believe that I am maybe having too many snacks. I feel the need to something almost every hour, be this out of hungry or more likely habit.

Does anyone have any tips to try and stave off the snacking. I am drinking lots of diluting juice in order to get my water intake. I really think it's more out of habit that I snack rather than being hungry. What can i do to break the habit?


  • morningmom
    morningmom Posts: 100
    Options problem too!!
  • HJSilva
    HJSilva Posts: 29
    I snack on raw veggies, baby carrots, bell peppers and snap peas are my favs. Not only are they very filling but they take care of my need for something crunchy. They are all very low calorie.
  • scarr62
    scarr62 Posts: 4
    So everytime you want to eat a snack get up and walk, get your mind off it. You can also brush your teeth, Nothing like fresh pearly whites. last but not least I would say chew a piece of gum. You are doing a great job so far on your weigh loss, keep up the good work.
    I am a priority in my life
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    I've had the same struggles. I find it helpful to make my meals around only 300 calories each, that way I can eat every 3 hours. Snack on things like celery with a bit of peanut butter or a hard boiled egg. Make sure you have a little protein in all your meals, it will keep you satisfied a little longer. Other than that, it's a behavior that has to be re-trained. There is no really easy way, just try to wait a little longer before eating each time when you feel the hunger.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Just my opinion. But when I look at your diary I noticed you dont even reach 1200 calories most of the time! Your body may be trying to tell you it needs more food. Again this is my opinion. I currently have a 1600 calorie goal. Know Im not saying that should be your goal since I dont know what your height and weight is plus Im not a professinal but if you are snacking your body maybe telling you something.
  • chnkydnknmomma
    I seem to snack a lot myself. I'm on a pretty strict schedule with work, and it seems I'm hungry about every 2 hours. I'm like a freaken newborn! LOL

    I try to eat healthy snacks, rather than be hungry. I drive a school bus, and sometimes when I get really hungry, I get distracted thinking about what I'm gonna eat when I'm done. I try to bring fruit or fiber 1 bars with me to hold me over till the next meal. I also always have water with me, and a piece of gum or a tic tac to occupy my mouth.

    I have no idea what to do to stop being hungry other than eat something, or drink some water...hope this helps!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I took a look at your diary and you don't seem to be eating much protein. I'm unfamiliar with some of the foods so maybe they do have a higher protein count but eating carbs will give you energy in the short run but leave you hungrier sooner. Try incorporating some high quality protein in your breakfast and adding some protein to the snacks you do eat. Then you can determine if i'ts just habit that is making you want to snack or if you truly are hungry.
  • Duliebob
    Duliebob Posts: 12
    What I do is snack on raw veggies with no dressing, mostly snap/snow peas, broccoli, celery, and carrots. I also have a snack with 1 oz of almonds (raw, not roasted or salted) and 3 pieces of Dove Dark Promises...these help with portion control. Those snacks fill me pretty well for 2 to 3 hours. Today I'm trying Wasabi Peas for a little variety, 5 g of fiber, so that should help some.

    Another thing I do is have a bowl of hot, whole-grain cereal, weekdays it is oatmeal, weekends it is a multi-grain cereal, these fill me up most of the day, cuts back on snacking, and satisfies.

    I also added in string cheese to get more protein, calcium, and a little fat and sodium, because I am actually below limits on those most days...and I LOVE cheese :-)

    It is all a process, replace one snack per week or so, that way your body gets a chance to get used to the changes. Don't lose sight of your goals, eventually you'll detest the smell of those manufactured snack foods :-)
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I'm certainly no expert but from your food diary it looks like maybe your meals arent big enough? Especially breakfast... try something which gives you a slow energy release. You want to eat your biggest meal at the start of the day!

    Either that of have 5 small meals a day - 5 x 300 calorie meals = 1200

    Another thing I noticed is that a lot of your snacks seem to be the same thing eg. blue ribbon biscuits... are you buying multi packs at the supermarket? If so STOP! I did and I eat a lot less chocolate now - mostly because it started getting embarrassing going to the corner shop and buying junk food off the same guy EVERYDAY haha!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I love to snack as well.

    I looked at about a week of your diary and it didn't look so bad. I believe as part of this journey you have to listen to your body. Everyone may not need a snack every hour, but apparently your body is asking for more food. Maybe you should increase the amount of calories eaten at each meal, which should leave you full longer. In addition, try to substitute some of the juice you drink with plain water. Juice adds calories and the sugar in the juice can also be causing you to crave more food.

    If the snacking is creating a problem in reaching your goal, by all means you should make some changes. However, if you feel this is a problem because it's not the norm...once again, you need to do what works for you! Good Luck!!
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    You should try eating a more substantial breakfast like bran flakes or special K as they will release energy slowly, and then mid morning eating half a grapefruit. Not only are they great for kickstarting your metabolism, they take AGES to eat so you kind of get bored!!!

    I see you have a sweet tooth, so why not swap the chocolate bars for some sugar free jelly pots (10cals) or Options hot chocolate (40cals), or some blueberrys as they are low cal and great for you.

    The problem is the more you snack the more you crave it. Try drinking a diet soda as this will make you feel a bit fuller than diliting juice which may help with the snacking
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    Another thing I noticed is that a lot of your snacks seem to be the same thing eg. blue ribbon biscuits... are you buying multi packs at the supermarket? If so STOP! I did and I eat a lot less chocolate now - mostly because it started getting embarrassing going to the corner shop and buying junk food off the same guy EVERYDAY haha!

    The biscuits are in the office where I work, and unfortuately one of my jobs is to keep the kitchen stocked with break milk and the other staff want biscuits so I have to buy them, and I guess because I know they are they I gravitate towards them :-( I've tried buying biscuits I don't like but that didn't work either.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I love to snack, and most of the time, it's because I'm genuinely hungry. I will admit there are times I want to eat just because it's habit or because I'm bored, but I've gotten pretty good at isolating that from actual hunger. I've always been this way.

    It's actually not bad for you to snack, it's just all about what you snack on. Try finding low calorie foods that satisfy you, and fills you up. Veggies like cauliflower, carrots, and brocolli really do the job, but, I am not always in the mood for that, and chances are you won't be either, not all the time anyways. Switch it up. Fruit, nuts, veggies. Occassionally a "healthier" alternative to what you were eating before, like baked chips or something, but don't be fooled like I was, that stuff is a better option than eating regular chips, but it is still not a very healthy choice.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I took a look at your food diary and it doesn't look like you are doing bad staying near your calorie goal. However it does look like you could use some more veggies in your diet. I snack all the time, I usually eat every 2 hours and sometimes more, but most of my snacking is either fruit or veggies, I eat 3 meals and 4 or 5 snacks a day and always stay within my calorie limit (unless I splurge and eat some junk food).

    Some snacks I like are veggies dipped in hummus, celery with peanut butter (the natural kind without added sugar), apples, grapes, a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, greek yogurt.

    Snacking is actually good for you, it keeps your metabolism going, you just need to lean towards healthier snacks. Also snacks with some protein in them will keep you feeling full longer.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I think you are doing fine..even with the snacks you are eating under 1200 calories...If you were eating over your calorie goal every day ...I would worry. If you find that you are gaining weight eating these small amounts of crazy as it sounds, eating more will help. Being hungry is the body's natural way to say you need more food. I have lost more weight eating 1800 calories with excercise than I have with 1200 calories and excercise.
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    Wow thanks so much for the support!

    So as long as I keep the snacks healthy I should be ok. I'll try to have a bigger breakfast in the hope i'll eat less later on. I'm not a huge fan of carrots but I'll get some carrot sticks tomorrow and if i feel the need to munch I'll use those.

    I'm not sure about the chewing gum, I haven't had it in years and not sure if its ok to use that instead, do many of you chew on gum to try and keep your mouth busy lol!