

  • COme up with a plan and stick with it! I have tried numerous diets and exercise plans to help me lose weight and get healthy. I finally found something that works and you don't have to spend all your free time in a gym! In the 2 months that I have been on my low fat diet and a member of Koko Fit Club, I have dropped over…
  • I would suggest that you make sure you keep your food and exercise diary, tracking everything you are eating and your daily physical activity. Take it with you to your doctor's appointment and share it with your doctor. Let them tell you whether you are getting enough calories. My first week, I dropped 10 pounds and have…
  • I can tell you that none of the "do it at home" programs have ever worked for me and I am not a gym rat that spends all of my free time in staring at my self in a mirror with weights in my hands. If you are one of those, please don't take offense, if it works for you have at it, but it doesn't work for everyone. I have…
  • Unfortunately that is what you have to do to create a recipe. It is a bit time consuming, but once it in, you just pick it from your list. I usually try a recipe a couple of times before I take the time to enter it. I try to avoid using any prepared ingredients primarily because of the sodium content and preservatives. We…
  • I've been there too, too many times! Please feel free to add me, together we can conquer this beast.
  • I feel your pain! i have always been able to loose weight when I put my mind to it, but inevitably put it back on after slipping back into bad habits. This time I have come to the realization that if I don't get my weight in check and develop healthy habits (exercise, eating, stress management), my opportunities to do just…
  • SW: 282 CW: 245 GW: 235 UGW:200 Goals this month: Exercise - Strength 3x week, cardio 6x week, focus on hydration, maintain 90%+ pace score for all strength workouts Weigh in Dates: 3/01 245 3/08 3/15 3/22 3/29 3/31-Final weight Total weight lost:
  • Rilla, I am in nearly the same position as you. I was 290+ when I started and am at 248 now. I am dropping @ 5 lb a week with a low fat diet and exercise. I believe that the exercise is the what is making this possible. My wife and I joined Koko Fit and in 5 weeks of membership, I dropped 29 pounds and she has dropped…
  • There are numerous ways to lose weight. The common denominator is exercise. Commit to an exercise regiment and a diet plan that you are comfortable with. In my case a low fat diet and exercise are doing the trick. Total calories are the easiest track, setting a calorie limit that is below what your body needs to maintain…