Swilley25 Member


  • Hi Angela, I would love for you to add me as a freind, even without a huge loss like you suffered it is still important to be surrounded by people that understand the struggle. I noticed that you are from Cali? Well, I live in FL now but I was born and raised there so hit me up and we can talk about all the places NOT to…
  • I completely understand where you are, I lost almost 30 lbs and gained it back plus some. We are very social people and its hard to stay on a routine, if you want to be fitnesspal buddies let me know, we can exchange numbers or facebook names in addition to keeping ourselves on track here....Good Luck Just so you know,…
  • Can you give me some ideas of how you do this? I have three children and husband that are all hearty eaters so its hard for me to accomodate all, any help would be great. Thanks
  • You look great, I am at 176, can you tell me what you have done besides tracking food. Like excercise and such, Im just starting and doing it on my own. Thanks...:happy:
  • Joined about a week ago, feeling very positive. I did weight watchers and was successful but my life has changed alot and I needed something that would accomidate my hectic schedule and so far this seems to be helping. I always thought that I ate well, until I started tracking my calories...WOW was I surprised. I'm looking…