

  • If you stick to your 3 meals per day u deffo can. Just have porridge/oats for breakfast. Make home-made soup, like lentil etc, and have that for lunch, and have salad or vegetables with chicken or fish, and cut out all fizzy drinks, sqaushes, teas, coffee, drinking only water. And once a day eat a portion of fruit, u will…
  • Hi Jodie (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/jodilreagan/status ) i see your on Metformin, i am too, for the exact same reasons. Whats BC , if u dont mind me asking? xxx
  • Hi Vanessa, i too suffer from PCOS. Myself and my partner tried for years for a baby. We have a 5 year old son now. At the time i fell pregnant, i had lost 3 stone before hand, so losing weight definatly helps to conceive. I have found from being a PCOS sufferer, your best bet is to follow a low gi eating plan, excersise…
  • These folk who say nasty things though, arent looking at what damage they can do to others mentally. When i was younger, i had bulimia. I lost lots of eight doing tha,t but i was ill, un-happy, tired etc. Then i have gone through stages of over-eating through comfort. If people supported people more, and accepted folk for…
  • I have been called the usual fat related names..killer whale, sperm whale, pumpkin belly. Ive also had folk ask me if i was swimming in asia when the tsunami hit etc. Good thing i have thick skin ( literally) and let it go over my head. Im always being told by people that im stunning, and take care of myself, but if i just…
  • Im new to this MFP , but already im feeling excited aobut the help etc it can offer. Just needing to meet more people on here that can give me some inspiration and motivation. If anyone would like to become friends with me on here, i would really appreciate it, after all, we are all on here for a reason xxxx