what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • Breylin
    Breylin Posts: 23
    Thunder thighs! I was so hurt at first, but my mom taught me to keep composed. I ended up just smiling and saying "Hey Kyle!" every time he called me by that. Eventually he stopped and we even became semi-friends.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Reading these posts, I'm intrigued but not surprised by how many are under 30 years old.....a few , actually under 20. Take it from an old guy(54), that what people think of you becomes less and less important as you mature and especially as you fiind success in your life. I've been called many names in my life and it's interesting to go back and see what some of the "popular" people look like today. Additionally. few have attained my financial success, which makes it even funnier. Best advice I can give many of you young ladies is work at the MFP for you........the rest will fall in place.....I promise
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    OP so sorry that you grew up with the labels but hey the strong survive right?

    I myself work in an environment of not so nice people so the "c" word was the worst because I hate that word but idc what people call me I strive to be a "B" at work because if I wasn't I would get walked all over - not by my co workers btw but our "clients" which is a nice word to use for them :smile:
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I was in 7th grade and these 8th grade girls who rode the same bus would call me Big Bird. I am tall and I have a big nose. It didn't help that my favorite sweater was a bright yellow fuzzy Old Navy one. I would be stuck on the bus with these older girls laughing and making fun of me really loud for all to hear. Nobody stood up for me and the bus driver didn't do anything. I would run home and cry. My dad told me to ignore it (because I used to yell back) and they would get bored and move on. I would just sit there and take it for months until they FINALLY got bored enough to leave me alone.

    I think it was karma. When I was in 4th grade I made fun of a 2nd grade girl. It looked like she had diapers on and me and my other friend would tease her. It was so mean. I will never forget the way she looked as we would belittle her. She would look so defeated. In high school I ran into her and I apologized. At least I think I did unless it was a dream. But I will always remember the way I felt bullying someone. I don't know why I did it. It felt so bad. :(
  • unniexoxo
    People that I know really don't call me any names, not even by joking. The worst things I am called are usually by strangers. Quite a few times I have been called a "fata$$". This has occurred quite a few times in shopping center parking lots. Oh, and at my last job a client called me "gutter trash" over the phone. Honestly, I was quite surprised by that one and had to try really hard not to chuckle. I worked in a customer service dept. so you can imagine all of the possible combinations of insults I have been called, lol! But that one has always always stuck out in my mind! I mind my own business and do my thing, but I can't understand why a lot of people have such a lack of respect for others.

    edit: for typooo
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Pizza face.
    Greasy skinned ****
    Did I mention ugly?

    Over and over, from the age of 11 into my early 20s. People don't say those things to me anymore, the way that they look at me is enough.

    29 years later those words still form the basis of my opinion of myself.
  • hezabella
    I have been called the usual fat related names..killer whale, sperm whale, pumpkin belly. Ive also had folk ask me if i was swimming in asia when the tsunami hit etc. Good thing i have thick skin ( literally) and let it go over my head. Im always being told by people that im stunning, and take care of myself, but if i just lost a bit of weight i would look amazing!! Really cheeky isnt it x
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    My mother - "Worthless little s**t" mom's gotta love them.
  • hezabella
    These folk who say nasty things though, arent looking at what damage they can do to others mentally. When i was younger, i had bulimia. I lost lots of eight doing tha,t but i was ill, un-happy, tired etc. Then i have gone through stages of over-eating through comfort. If people supported people more, and accepted folk for all their flaws etc, folk would be able to deal with their issues alot more better than they do x
  • Goldenine
    "Fat" and "ugly" were always lovely comments.

    I've also been asked why I 'ruined my face' with a lip piercing, and at school someone pointed out how I am big but have small features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) and it looks kinda weird.

    Funny how things like that stick with you, isn't it?
  • ElizaB84
    ElizaB84 Posts: 105 Member

    I've been called a lot worse (think C word), but being called stupid is most offensive.
    You can call me anything and I won't be upset unless you put the word Dumb or Stupid infront of it.
  • Prismapencils
    I was called "ugly" by a kid at the pool when I was in the fragile teen years. Apparently, my eye ptosis had gotten worse as my eyes do not react well to chlorine. The kid imitated my droopy eye by closing one of his and dancing around going, "Ugly, ugly!" This was in front of my rather gorgeous friend who had her own securities about her weight. I still can't help but think that at least that can be fixed without a knife to the eyelid.

    Without a great sum of money, you can't fix ugly. You also can't fix stupid.

    Others have insinuated that I'm slow for asking weird questions. In one case, it was that I needed to drop something off at an office. However, the door had a keypad next to it. Apparently, I didn't pull very hard, so I assumed it was locked and that I needed the code to open it. The guy at the desk just told me to pull harder in his best customer service voice, but I bet he thought I was ridiculous. /facepalm.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Fat sack of ****, ugly, retard and sometimes that would get said all together lol
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    A "big girl"
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    A responsible adult.
  • seauxphat
    If my sons really want to get under my skin, they call me a liberal minded democrat! Call me anything but that! :sad:
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    A Teddy Bear (which means you are nice but I would not date you....lol)
  • ARubenbrah
    my ex called me 'the worst mistake of her life' lolol
  • seauxphat
    Love it!!! Lmao