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what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member

    well that was uncalled for. Didn't realise "Vegan" was an insult?
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    Wow! First, let me just say...I don't know a single person in this thread...but I love all of you. Those of us who have been verbally abused can take heart in the fact that we are ALL HERE...trying to better ourselves...for OURSELVES! I have my own story...but first, I must admit that halfway through reading this thread...I sent texts to a couple of my close friends. I happen to be a VERY outspoken person, and I asked them if I had ever said anything to them that hurt their feelings or stuck with them. I needed a reality check, because honestly...I have probably said things to people thinking it was "helping" when in fact, it could have been hurting them. Thankfully, those people (who took entirely TOO long to think about it, and had me panicking!!! Ha!) told me that, no, nothing came to mind. My story is a long one, and I tend to pull TL;DR comments, but I'll try to make it short:

    Sheltered my entire life...until high school, I went to the same school system with the same people. I was friends with just about everyone. Then, in the middle of my freshman year of high school, my mother moved in with my (now ex-) stepdad. He lived in Austin, Texas...and I had grown up in the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama. Yeah...culture shock, much?! Again, I was sheltered and spoiled rotten. I went to a private school. Dated the most popular guy that went to that school. Yada yada yada. Anyway, no one really made fun of anyone there...everyone kind of got along. (I know...weird for a high school, but anyway.) Then, during my junior year of high school, the oh-so-popular boyfriend had gone off to college, and I started hanging out with some people that didn't go to my school. I was 16 when I met "tall, handsome, 19 year old, who had his own apartment". Needless to say, the summer between my junior and senior years in high school, I lost my virginity to this man-boy. He had me convinced that we could run off together and live a wonderful life. So...that's what I did. He took me all the way to Michigan right before I turned 17. (At the time, 17 was "legal age" in Michigan.) He took me as far away from everything and everyone I knew as he could. He kept me isolated. The physical and sexual abuse was bad enough...BUT...the verbal abuse was the hardest to get over. It was easy for him to practically brainwash me. Here I was...a sheltered 16 year old...away from anyone who could tell me anything different than what he told me. He spent close to a year convincing me that I was worthless...I was crazy...no one would EVER love a piece of *kitten* like me...blah blah blah. He got me pregnant, and the day before my 17th birthday...I was almost 5 months pregnant...he beat my daughter straight out of me. He told me that I should have taken better care of myself. I believed him. ANYWAY...this went on for a couple of years until I finally got away from him right when I turned 19. I literally had to "re-learn" how to be ME. I had to learn to drive...(he never "allowed" me to get a driver's license)...I had to learn how to trust people. It was awful. I spent that first year away from him drinking myself into oblivion every single day. Then...a light switch went off. I realized that all I was doing was allowing him to still have power over me. To this day...(I will be 33 in a couple of days)...he has kept "tabs" on me. He knows exactly where I live, even though I live in Alabama again (with my AMAZING husband! *smile*)...and he lives in Texas. He still tries to "get" to me...and guess what! I don't let him. Ever. It took years for me to not flinch when someone near me raised their hand really quickly. It took me years to believe that I could actually be loved for who I am. It took me years to finally figure OUT who I really am.

    The thing is...it would be easy for me to play "victim". He did some unthinkable things to me. However, when I look back on it...it's almost like I'm watching a movie of someone else's life. I am SO blessed that I had so many people who loved me through it. I know a lot of people don't. I just had to get to the point where I could say, "The past is going to remain where it belongs...in the past." I had to make a choice...either let him win...or take my power back. So...I took my power back. I have the usual self esteem issues like most women...but nothing like before. Plus, I finally married a man who tells me 20 times a day (no lie) that I am amazing and beautiful EXACTLY the way I am, and that he feels like the luckiest man alive to call me his wife. :-)

    I'm so proud of all of you for stepping up and saying what people have said to you in your lives that affected you. I encourage all of you to make a choice TODAY to not let those nasty people any more power over you. I know...it's much easier said than done...but you are ALL worthy of love...no matter WHAT size, shape, color, ethnicity, religion or anything else!

    Sending hugs to each of you! :-)

    ETA: I should've mentioned...along the way, a lot of people told me I should get my GED since I left school before I graduated...but once I knew I could do ANYTHING I set my mind to, I went to school at night and got my highschool diploma...plus some college. :-) Take that, jerk! :-)
  • Gettinfit242
    Gettinfit242 Posts: 200 Member
    LARD *kitten* in high school.... the worst part is i was only like 140 pounds then and im 5' 7"...i will never forget that!
  • happy_angi09
    happy_angi09 Posts: 46 Member
    I was previously in a emotionally abusive relationship. I was called many names but the worst were: fat bit** and worthless. I am still working on getting my self esteem back. People can be so ugly.
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    One day I was walking down the street and a couple passed by. The man turned around to stare, then commented to his "girl friend"
    "And I thought you were fat."

    My mother was always disappointed in me - I started gaining as a very young child. When I was a teenager, she even had her sister call and make an appointment for me with a psychiatrist. Which "therapy" lasted about 2 visits until the doctor wanted to see my parents. Funny how she never made another appointment with him.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    honey....... by a really pervy old guy creeping me at work
  • hifi898
    hifi898 Posts: 54
    Wow...just even reading through these posts, all of them, brings back flashbacks of my own childhood/adolescence experiences. As an adult, thankfully I've not encountered that other than from silly, stupid girls when I was in my 20s. But as a kid, like many here, I was overweight from a young age and couldn't seem to beat the "fat gene" in my family. Not to mention, I was painfully shy until adulthood so I could never muster courage to stand up for myself like now.

    The meanest thing I think I've been called by far was "fat cow" by one of my school's juvenile delinquents. I was a junior in HS and heard it as I was passing by a group of boys going into the boys restroom in one of the hallways. I looked around to make sure it wasn't me it was aimed at, but it sure enough was. That's always stuck with me and been a motivator in early adulthood to lose the weight. I was 5'7 and about 220 lbs.

    The funny thing about growing up in a smallish town is the folks that stay there past HS usually end up getting some sort of karmic revenge in some form or another. I moved away at 18, and moved back at 23. I'd gone from a size 20 to an 8 and looked completely different. I would go hang out with friends to the local bars and one night, I saw that same guy that called me this out with his buddies. Holy 40 lb weight gain!!! He came up to me and started talking to me (didn't ask my name yet), and clearly didn't realize who I was just on sight. I thought about not saying anything, but decided to come out with it. I asked if he remembered a girl named _____, and he said "No." I told him that I knew who he was and proceeded to tell him my version of what happened. He apologized profusely and looked VERY embarrassed. I assured him that everything was fine, it was a long time ago, and then...he asked me out on a date! He told me that he thought I was beautiful, and to that, I politely replied "No, I'm not really interested right now" and walked off.

    Best. Feeling. EVER. :bigsmile:
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    Wow...just even reading through these posts, all of them, brings back flashbacks of my own childhood/adolescence experiences. As an adult, thankfully I've not encountered that other than from silly, stupid girls when I was in my 20s. But as a kid, like many here, I was overweight from a young age and couldn't seem to beat the "fat gene" in my family. Not to mention, I was painfully shy until adulthood so I could never muster courage to stand up for myself like now.

    The meanest thing I think I've been called by far was "fat cow" by one of my school's juvenile delinquents. I was a junior in HS and heard it as I was passing by a group of boys going into the boys restroom in one of the hallways. I looked around to make sure it wasn't me it was aimed at, but it sure enough was. That's always stuck with me and been a motivator in early adulthood to lose the weight. I was 5'7 and about 220 lbs.

    The funny thing about growing up in a smallish town is the folks that stay there past HS usually end up getting some sort of karmic revenge in some form or another. I moved away at 18, and moved back at 23. I'd gone from a size 20 to an 8 and looked completely different. I would go hang out with friends to the local bars and one night, I saw that same guy that called me this out with his buddies. Holy 40 lb weight gain!!! He came up to me and started talking to me (didn't ask my name yet), and clearly didn't realize who I was just on sight. I thought about not saying anything, but decided to come out with it. I asked if he remembered a girl named _____, and he said "No." I told him that I knew who he was and proceeded to tell him my version of what happened. He apologized profusely and looked VERY embarrassed. I assured him that everything was fine, it was a long time ago, and then...he asked me out on a date! He told me that he thought I was beautiful, and to that, I politely replied "No, I'm not really interested right now" and walked off.

    Best. Feeling. EVER. :bigsmile:

    I love this soooo much!! After I dated a you-know-what when I was a teenager, I was with a guy for 11 years. He is 5'3" and 135lbs soaking wet. All about being healthy, etc. I always felt like an elephant around him. Anyway...after years of feeling useless with him, I met my husband about 3 years ago...and, basically: Finally Being Happy + Encouraging Hubby = Healthiest (And Smallest!) I've Ever Been.

    Jerry Springer part: My ex...ended up marrying my husband's cousin!!! Yeah, we didn't even KNOW we were dating cousins until the first family holiday came up and HELLO EX IS NOW IN MY FAMILY!!! But anyway...now, it's like, "Look what you lost BUDDY!" So fantastic!! ;-)
  • FAT lady - by my ex's mom
    HUGE - by my ex-boss (a guy)
    Pretty but WOBBLY - by my girlfren's bf

    and the list goes on and on and on...
  • K81988
    K81988 Posts: 7
    When I was younger a few guys I hung around with gave me the nickname 'Tank *kitten*'

    Hahahahaaa! Didn't really bother me I just found it funny .. :-O
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    ooft where do I start!? My dad called me fat alot to the point where I wasnt allowed a ride on his motorbike for fear I would break it.

    At school, my whole year bullied me, not physically but mentally, I was called Barnardo because my mum worked at Barnardos, they thought I was an orphan - go figure!! They also called me skoda because that was the only car my mum could afford. Looking at this now, these names arent that bad but at the time, they really hurt me - especially over the course of 3 years.

    At work, because I work with alot of males, the rumours about me have been awful. I have slept with every male in here and given bj's in the toilets - I havent slept with a single guy here!! The worst one was I heard a rumour when I was pregnant that the baby wasnt my husbands. That really hurt me. Especially since we went through IVF!! So if it wasnt my husbands, then the hospital has a lot to answer for!!

    People are so cruel and everyone needs to learn that words hurt. Even when said jokingly or in anger, words stick like glue to your brain.
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Namitha - an Indian actress who is pretty but HUGE :( !

    Do you mean this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namitha actress?!

    Huge isn't quite how i'd describe her.

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Namitha - an Indian actress who is pretty but HUGE :( !

    Do you mean this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namitha actress?!

    Huge isn't quite how i'd describe her.

    Huge isn't how I'd describe her at all! She may be a bit plump but sheesh, she is smokin'!
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    Lazy fat ***** by my mother in law! Haven't seen or spoken to her since and that was over 3 years ago.
  • Yes, Namitha is indeed a TALL, HOT and SEXY actress - no doubt!

    Since she is a food lover (just like me!), she has put on so much weight - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oy-6b5hWmLM/Ubsd1VJgLDI/AAAAAAAADeE/-apXFjSEtmY/s1600/namitha+hot+fat+navel+show+pics.jpg

    A fren (now ex-fren!) emailed me a pic of her n sed - 'Babe, ur really pretty, but seriously ur FAT honey - just like Namitha.
    Hope u don't explode :P!'
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Namitha - an Indian actress who is pretty but HUGE :( !

    I'm always curious about the plus size model type. I would NOT call Namitha "HUGE". Yes, she is probably over weight technically, but she doesn't have lots of lumps and bumps. She can show her stomach and it isn't offensive (to me anyway).

    She's got some dangerous curves. You're both very pretty. :)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Namitha - an Indian actress who is pretty but HUGE :( !

    I'm always curious about the plus size model type. I would NOT call Namitha "HUGE". Yes, she is probably over weight technically, but she doesn't have lots of lumps and bumps. She can show her stomach and it isn't offensive (to me anyway).

    She's got some dangerous curves. You're both very pretty. :)

    I am so jealous of those plus size chicks with "flat" tummies! I used to get so down on myself for having such a lumpy tummy and one day my fiancé was like, "You know how rare it is for a woman to have a supermodel's body? Think of how even more rare it is for a big girl to have a belly like that." Oh yeah, he is right...those big girls who model lingerie have got to be one a million, all big and uber curvy but with tummies that aren't all roly-poly. Of course I can't wait until the day I get back down to my GW (again) but until then, why can't I be one of those big girls with tummies that look so "flat"?! I swear, I can live with fat arms and I love my fat thighs, but I HATE my fat tummy!
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    My sister once told me that I was disgusting, a waste of space/money, that I didn't deserve food, and that things would be better if I wasn't around.

    To be fair though, she was only about 12-13 at the time and it was said in the heat of an fight. I know she didn't mean it, and she probably wouldn't even remember the incident. To give it some context we'd only recently had our lives uprooted, and she was harbouring a lot of resentment towards our mother (who had started dating after a messy divorce).

    But because we were sitting on the poverty line, I was always keenly aware of every cent that was spent on me. I had a job so that I could pay for my own clothes and things, and saved up in case an unexpected situation requiring money arose. If there was one thing I didn't want, it was to be a burden, and I was feeling guilty enough having to live off the charity of wealthier relatives. This was also around the time I had started to put on weight - not enough to whack me over the 'normal' BMI range (at 135lbs), but enough to make me uncomfortable in my own skin. She was always the athletic one in the family, and weight is something she's never struggled with.

    So to hear that from her hit pretty hard. There are a lot of lousy things I've been called (by classmates, frienemies, now-estranged relatives, strangers, etc.), but that was one that actually stung. And if I'm going to be completely honest, after that I stopped eating. It took three days and nearly passing out to realise I was being stupid. So I hit up Maccas for a '$5 Feed' (~1,200 calories) after school. And it was bloody delicious.
  • txteva
    txteva Posts: 29 Member
    My mum told me I was too fat to have a boyfriend and no one would want me as a friend when I was about 14. Yeah that kinda stuck with me for life.