what is the worst thing you have been called?

brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
My parents were tall and lean. My Dad would call me SHORT AND DUMPY. It stays with me til this day. I am at maintenance now but I am only 5'4 and still curvy, could never been what they wanted if I stood on my head. Tall and Lanky could never be me.

I guess they were disappointed when I started gaining weight at around 16, got up to around 208 but my gosh they acted like it was just terrible. Had me crying many times. They are really the only ones that gave me a hard time if that tells you something. Status and size was so important to them. Well now I know it was them and there are plenty of mean people out there, just wondering what you have been called and hope you know it is not you. Some people just like to pick on people. LIke the lady I just read about who was yelled at when she was walking and they yelled well you are still fat! This made me think of this.


  • Never2EZ
    Late for dinner :(
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    Wow, that's terribly sad!:/

    When I was in high school, I was walking into school and a huge group of guys were talking about how fat I was.
    "She's like a f*cking whale."
    "Damn, that's a big *kitten* b*tch"

    That was a great way to start off my day!
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    Serial killer. No idea why either, I would never harm anyone, beyond that, I'm that ridiculous guy who carries bugs outside because I don't want to kill them. Oh well, not really even sure why the observation stuck so long, maybe it did strike a nerve somehow, but not going to fret over it.

    I did, however, carefully note where the person who called me this lives, and I keep detailed notes about his habits and where he goes, along with photographs I have taken of him surreptitiously over the last four years. Soon... soon...
  • breanazank
    I've been called just about everything in the book. People are mean. No one thinks about what their words might do to someone in the long run.

    I try not to hyperfocus on what I have been called; it took me years (still struggle, not going to lie) on what people teased me about or called me because I just get sad thinking about it.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    A waste of time
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    I understand that though! I think it stuck because it made you feel like a freak. There's obviously a huge stigma behind being a serial killer, so that's most likely why it bothered you so much.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    "Serial killer. No idea why either, I would never harm anyone, beyond that, I'm that ridiculous guy who carries bugs outside because I don't want to kill them. Oh well, not really even sure why the observation stuck so long, maybe it did strike a nerve somehow, but not going to fret over it.

    I did, however, carefully note where the person who called me this lives, and I keep detailed notes about his habits and where he goes, along with photographs I have taken of him surreptitiously over the last four years. Soon... soon..."

    Some people just need to be taught a lesson.


    edited because it didn't quote correctly.
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    I understand that though! I think it stuck because it made you feel like a freak. There's obviously a huge stigma behind being a serial killer, so that's most likely why it bothered you so much.

    In all seriousness, yeah, that's probably a lot to do with it, made me feel like a freak. Thanks for that viewpoint, make sense.
  • operaprincess1
    operaprincess1 Posts: 89 Member
    A cheater by my professor because I was the only person who did a great job on a project...so he thought I cheated. Turned out he was like this to a lot of people and was fired shortly after, but still is stings after all this time remembering him saying that to me in front of the whole class after I worked so hard on the project.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I've been called just about everything in the book. People are mean. No one thinks about what their words might do to someone in the long run.

    I try not to hyperfocus on what I have been called; it took me years (still struggle, not going to lie) on what people teased me about or called me because I just get sad thinking about it.

    this is for me two people suck not all. the question should be what haven't you been called
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    "Dumb *kitten*"

    The dumb part was irritating, only because the person who said it is a massive idiot who literally stuck his phallus into a hot dog bun.
  • sassabella
    psycho, ugly, plain looking, attention seeker/should be in a mental hospital (I have anxiety and depression and apparently that automatically means that I am seeking attention :/), unintelligent.
  • happyindian
    happyindian Posts: 89 Member
    My parents were tall and lean. My Dad would call me SHORT AND DUMPY. It stays with me til this day. I am at maintenance now but I am only 5'4 and still curvy, could never been what they wanted if I stood on my head. Tall and Lanky could never be me.

    I guess they were disappointed when I started gaining weight at around 16, got up to around 208 but my gosh they acted like it was just terrible. Had me crying many times. They are really the only ones that gave me a hard time if that tells you something. Status and size was so important to them. Well now I know it was them and there are plenty of mean people out there, just wondering what you have been called and hope you know it is not you. Some people just like to pick on people. LIke the lady I just read about who was yelled at when she was walking and they yelled well you are still fat! This made me think of this.

    Totally get it.....cos i also wen through it. In fact, still going thru it and it still is as difficult to bear as it was then. What effect it had on my psyche, my confidence and well, my self esteem....it is just undescribable.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    F***able, not marriage material.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    When I was about 14 I had a boy tell me I was a fox from a distance, but a dog close-up. I will never forget that. Wish I could :cry:
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    It hurts too much to say it aloud. I still feel shame at having been the object of the remark. Yes, it does stay with you.

    Recently, though, by watching a crazy show called "My Big Fat Revenge" (of which, in principle, I completely disapprove!), I am learning that the people who say these things are more often ignorant than directly malicious. Like, they think their words will motivate someone to lose weight or that it's not a big deal to say it because, someone said something similar to them so it;s normal.

    They really don't get what their words mean to the person hearing them. And, on the show, most of the people seeking revenge get little satisfaction because even when confronted their tormentors just don't get it!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Someone I cared about, who I thought knew me quite well, said that I didn't like myself. It bothered me, because I do like the person I am, and have worked very hard to be someone I like and respect.

    Silly insults don't hurt me, but this incorrect assessment of how I see myself, by someone I thought I was close to, made me feel awful, because I had misjudged the relationship.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    My dad would always tell me that I'm getting big because my stomach would poke out. -.-
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    :( That is sad.

    I have been called many things, before I lost weight, my husband called me a fat lazy *kitten* once. In his defense we were fighting but yeah.

    Recently I was called fake because I naturally have big boobs, and the person said that everyone knows that when you lose weight you lose your boobs, I lost some but not all of them, so because I have natural curves, I'm fake.

    I use to hear "You have such a pretty face, it's a shame that you are so fat."

    Had a guy once tell me that if I was thinner he would totally date me but he isn't into fat chicks (That was in high school and I wasn't even at my biggest).

    I was told not too long ago that my mom (Who is 5'5 and weighs 125 lbs) looks great now, but me who is 5'1.5 and at the time was also 125 lbs, I looked sick and needed to go eat a hamburger.

    I could go on and on, the hate and mean things don't stop even after you lose the weight. I get more flack now at 118 lbs then I did at 250 lbs. Just today I was shopping and this girl kept staring at me and whispering to her friend and her friend kept turning around to look at me. I smiled and walked away, not worth my time.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    "A *kitten* with loose morals" by a girl who liked my boyfriend. It didn't bother me at all.