what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    I could go on and on, the hate and mean things don't stop even after you lose the weight. I get more flack now at 118 lbs then I did at 250 lbs. Just today I was shopping and this girl kept staring at me and whispering to her friend and her friend kept turning around to look at me. I smiled and walked away, not worth my time.

    I am still 218 lb, but I am 36, stand 5'8" and have been as big as 307 lb (five years ago). I've been over 250 for the vast majority of my adult years. I honestly think I'm getting more catty females staring me down now than when I was 260 lb and higher. Seriously. I feel like before, women/girls did not really look at me and now they do. It's very irritating. I get more compliments and comments on my clothes, hair, etc, but also a lot more "checking out" and it makes me feel more self-conscious at size 16/18 than I was at size 24.

    The worst thing I've ever been called though, is negative.
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    Between family and school, I got called a wide range of things. Every aspect of me- my body, my feelings, my personality, was a target. Some things stick with me more than others, but the most painful of those aren't really appropriate to discuss here. The one good thing we can take from being hurt though, is the importance of being compassionate to ourselves as well as others.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    As a teen, I wore silver bells on an ankle bracelet that jingled when I walked.

    I thought it was a pretty sound and thought it quite sweet.

    My dad told me only *kitten* wore bells on their ankles so that men would know what kind of women they were and good people would know how low down and disgusting they were.

    :huh: :sick: :grumble: :explode: Yes. All at once.

    He was a real jerk most of the time I was growing up :ohwell:
    I kinda sometimes appreciate it when someone shows u their true colors from jump. It makes it easy to toss them aside sooner rather than later.

    wow. Just wow. :ohwell: I completely agree :drinker:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    My best friend's mom used to call me "broad-shouldered" and insult my ethnic heritage. But then she also used to blurt out opinions like "Hitler had the right idea," which was pretty bizarre even for the 70s.
  • vinzorelli
  • tori1riot
    Not called, but told, "You'd be really pretty... if you weren't so fat."
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
  • ziggiezambi
    I'm 5'4" and at my heaviest (141lb) my mom and ex BF use to pick on me constantly. They were always asking if I was pregnant. They would get onto me every time I ate. It was so constant I got to the point where I quit eating.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My best friend's mom used to call me "broad-shouldered" and insult my ethnic heritage. But then she also used to blurt out opinions like "Hitler had the right idea," which was pretty bizarre even for the 70s.

    this almost sounds like that one disease when people say strange things out of the blue.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    My best friend's mom used to call me "broad-shouldered" and insult my ethnic heritage. But then she also used to blurt out opinions like "Hitler had the right idea," which was pretty bizarre even for the 70s.

    this almost sounds like that one disease when people say strange things out of the blue.

  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm 5'4" and at my heaviest (141lb) my mom and ex BF use to pick on me constantly. They were always asking if I was pregnant. They would get onto me every time I ate. It was so constant I got to the point where I quit eating.

    That's ridiculous! 141 lbs at 5'4" is still within the healthy BMI range! I'm 5'4" and when I was 141 lbs I was by no means fat or even chubby. I was a healthy weight for my height, not all toned and fit looking, but just average and healthy.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    A cheater by my professor

    That happened to me before as well. it was because i used "big text book type words" in a report.. which was later followed by "even though you have some of the highest standardized testing scores in every subject ive ever seen..." he was just mad because HE didnt know what the words i was using meant
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    To say i have been called every name under the sun would be an understatement at best.
    from a young age my family started calling me fat, all the time, that i had a big *kitten* and what not.
    i later had other people go from calling me a "skinny *kitten*" to a "fat cow" in a matter of class switches.
    high school was rough so was elementary school, people always thought i was dumb because i didnt do my class work, but were always surprised when i out tested everyone in my class. i was a classic "under achiever" according to my father.
    oh yeah and im an accident. and never going to be as good as my sister.

    people would enjoy trying to cause me pain.

    there will always be people out there to dish out pain to those undeserving of it, thats just life, cruel as it may be, and never changing. just life, just people.
    i learned a long time ago you gotta have thick skin to make it through life.
    "Never a Victim, Always a Fighter"
  • TS3CAT
    TS3CAT Posts: 4
    Fat, ugly, stupid, *kitten*, thot...
    But I won't let them make or break me :)
  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Asinine...that one hurt.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I was 18 and fresh out of high school one of my "best friends" (HA) was jealous because the guy who she strung along for years asked me out on a date, and was no longer enamored with her. She told other friends that he must be really desperate as I was like an elephant and made her look like a mouse. In reality, she was probably a size 14 and I was a size 20. But that really hurt my feelings, and combined with a few other things it caused me to end the friendship (so-called friendship). Recently...17 years later...she found me on facebook and she is at least 350 lb. I am a size 16/18. Usually I wouldn't find that funny but yeah, I kinda do...Just sayin'
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Wow! All these stories are unacceptable. Mean is not OK.
    I truly think I have been sheltered all my life. I have made it this far and never felt ostracism for the size I was. I am 5 foot and lived most of my life between 250 and 300 lbs. I am lucky I guess.
    My husband however is always called out for his height. He is 6'6". It pisses me off. His good buddies wife is always calling him gigantor........I choose not to be friends with her. Joking or not its mean.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    So many threads today about the negative things that others have said and done....strange focus for me. Everyone has had hurtful / mean / inappropriate things said to them, whether they've ever been heavy or not. I don't get the point of dredging every one of these experiences up and reliving them. Why give them space in your head?

    Having a full life, setting healthy goals for ourselves, growing as human beings, trying to be strong and compassionate and not being "those jerks" that all of these stories are about....this I understand. But re-hashing each negative things ever said to us since grade school or before? I guess I just don't see the benefit.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    When I was somewhat underweight about ten years ago, I got all the worried "is she anorexic/bulimic" foolishness, that wasn't fun. Yeah, I was skinny as all get-out, but I was a size 4, not Skeletor. My goal weight is not anywhere near my all time adult low (118 pounds on a 5'8" body is kinda shapeless, tbh), but I'm already bracing myself for all the comments after I'm down to 135 or so. I know they mean well, but UGH.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    The guy I lost my virginity to called me a water buffalo after I stepped on his foot. I was such a fox back then and if I had the body now that I had then, I'd have hardly anything to complain about (except my boobs were smaller back then). It broke my heart because I already thought I was chubby (in retrospect, wtf? I looked smokin') and it stuck with me for a long long time. Along came Larry the Cucumber singing the water buffalo song and made my bad feelings about that name go away....Larry makes me smile.