what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    I've been called a "freak", because I had my own style, & didn't fit in with the 'regular folks' in my town.
    I've been called fat.
    I've been called anorexic, just because I don't eat a lot. Sorry if I don't have an appetite like most people. It doesn't make me anorexic.
    I was made fun of for having red hair.
    People making fun of my name when I was in school..

    I could probably go on.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I was called many names during my formative years. Not by my family, but kids at school. I wasn't even really on the chubby side back then but I still got called all sort of demeaning names. Kids were always starting unfounded rumors about me. Real dispicable ones. When I got to HS things got worse. I had girls and guys calling me names and bullying me. I had a secret crush on this guy who I sat right next to in History class. The teacher wasn't in the room yet and it was pretty quiet. The girl in front if me turned to me with everyone in earshot and said "Carmen, you are the reason man phucked the buffalo". Everyone in the class laughed and so did my secret crush. I was mortified and it took everything not to cry right there.

    Later as I gained weight and topped off at 415 (I am 5"0) I would go in a store and people would laugh and snicker. Shout out names and badger me. I had zero self esteem.

    Not only am I thinner now but I also know I'm beautiful inside and out at any weight. I will never allow anyone ever again to make me feel less then I am. I have power now and a firm backbone.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    When I was 12 I got make up for the first time. I was in front of the mirror having a go and my father walked in the room and said, 'Don't bother you looked like a monkey the day you were born I was going to call a zoo keeper and you still look like a monkey now, your best bet in life is to beg someone to marry you be a good girl and take care of he house and kids because you'll never have any other opportunities with a face like that".

    That was just one of the many insults from both of my parents the worst one from my mother was, 'Your a looser just like your father, you'll always be a looser and you will NEVER amount to anything, I hope that you freeze to death on a park bench for all I care." I was 16 and my crime was helping my sister out when my brother beat her black and blue I had yelled at my step dad because he told my sister it was her faut she was beaten up and that she probably deserved it. I warned him that my brother would grow up to be a woman beater if he did not do something about it and he got up and threw me through a door then my mother beat the shiz out of me and kicked me out on the streets for standing up for her.

    Well im 33 now and my brother in his late 20's and he IS a wife beater he beats on his wife 'accidentally' of course regularly and my sister well one toxic relationship after another who thinks guys who ask her to hold their guns whilst going through a body search is ok and guys who say quick put these drugs in your purse when the cops pull you over is ok and guys that kick you out of teh car and run over your foot is ok. I was young but i was pretty darn wise and it all came true everything i warned them about came true unfortunately.

    So I was made homeless for telling the truth. Well if i can forgive after all that and move on so can anybody.

    I simply cannot believe the insults parents give to their children!!! This is not the norm! Don't believe a word of this! I just looked at your pics and you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
  • starsundrop
    starsundrop Posts: 1 Member
    Meeee toooo
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I am floored by some of the stories in this thread. I don't know why I'm even surprised at how cruel people can be, but I have to wonder, how did they get that way? What makes a person so devoid of basic empathy? I'm glad that all of you are here, it shows that you're committed to bettering your lives for yourselves. Having a happy, fulfilling life is the best revenge, trust me I know. :drinker:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Once I had a guy tell me he thought I was so pretty only to add the comment "I like bigger women like you" comments like that really bother me. It feels like a backslap comment.

    My fiancé and I were at the alehouse up the street the other day and some dude and a chick walk up next to me at the end of the bar and order their beers. He starts commenting on my look (tattoos and weird hair and whatnot), asks me if I do burlesque and I say no. He starts making comments about how he thinks it is cool that bigger chicks are doing stuff like that and he supports it...while standing next to him is a stick thin tan blonde...uh, what? :huh: Even if you WERE in to pale chubby chicks, which, clearly, you are not (and that is fine) but why on earth would you say that **** in front of her!? And my fiancé! Who honestly didn't care, but some dudes would! What a douche bag. Then we saw him again like a week later down at the microbrewery and he was all "Hey, you're hair is pink now!" (It was blue the first time I saw him). I acted like I'd never seen him before.

    I don't know if maybe I am just crazy or what but I've always liked it when people say things like this. I tend to take them at their word if they say I am attractive or their type or they think my look is cool or whatever else...hehe
  • RangiRose
    I have noticed over many years working as a volenteer(Christian) councellor is "HURT PEOPLE = HURT PEOPLE ":brokenheart:

    When they have areas of brokeness,shame,guilt,anger etc they'll find way's to relieve that pain.
    Abusive behaviour is NEVER right but realizing that theirs a unresolved area of brokeness in the other person may help you
    work through and realease (over time) what has happened.

    Forgiving and letting go frees you (or the wounded one) from retaliating or self abuse ....:smile:
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I have noticed over many years working as a volenteer(Christian) councellor is "HURT PEOPLE = HURT PEOPLE ":brokenheart:

    When they have areas of brokeness,shame,guilt,anger etc they'll find way's to relieve that pain.
    Abusive behaviour is NEVER right but realizing that theirs a unresolved area of brokeness in the other person may help you
    work through and realease (over time) what has happened.

    Forgiving and letting go frees you (or the wounded one) from retaliating or self abuse ....:smile:

    So true! Thanks for posting!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    being called: Not "THAT" fat.

    That is the worse thing people say to/about me and I HATE IT! I'm at just about my heaviest ever and have been this size for more than a few years now and I'm definitely fat (out of shape)...

    To me, "not THAT fat" is like, not THAT ugly or not THAT stinky or not THAT dumb, etc. PEople say this to me, thinking it may be positive or something, but it's not to me--true or not, it's discouraging to me.
  • Tiegrsi
    I got a few names in highschool that I hated...Big Bertha, Fatty, etc...they hurt at the time but don't bother me anymore. However, there are 2 things that stuck with me over the years. The first wasn't a comment but an action. My first sexual partner used to look at pictures of other girls, WHILE we were being intamate. The second was a comment from a friend's boyfriend when I was about 20 and I always thought it was the cruelest compliment I ever recieved. He said "You would be so hot if you lost weight".
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Here's the thing.

    I'm going to word this the best I can...

    I had the opportunity to attend school with a patient from 3rd to 9th grade and see these kids from an adult perspective and how young, immature, and often times ridiculous they are. Not that I was ever bullied but like a lot of you, I was treated poorly from time to time and it really helped me to see from which viewpoint the insults are coming from and if I did have issues, it would have immediately cured them. I mean, being called fat and ugly from a 10 yr old. Who can even take that seriously or hold onto it at this point in time? You really have to consider the source.

    Growing up, I had a cuter, smaller sister. My 3 aunts (who were only 3-9 yrs older at the time) chose to spend more time with her. Of course I was hurt but honestly look at their viewpoint. I looked up to them but they were only children themselves and not capable of mature thinking.

    I'm over it.

    I think this is a good point. Certainly a lot of those mentioned in this thread weren't children, but certainly they were immature, or wounded, or flawed, etc. The principle stands, I think.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have been called a lot of different things. I guess one of the worst/most disgusting was when a kid in grade 8 used my name in an insult to another kid. I do not want to even type out what it was, but everyone in the hallway heard it, and it was very inappropriate for a kid to talk the way this bully did.

    Karma kicked in for sure. The kid is now a crack/meth head. No surprise there.
  • StevenjHaley
    A "fat c*nt" by my own brother. I managed to only reply back with "I'm not a c*nt" when I really wanted to smash his face in.
  • PeggyJM
    PeggyJM Posts: 2 Member
    So sorry.
  • Quix82
    Quix82 Posts: 99 Member

    Thanks high school art teacher!
  • AronKishore
    I've been called a "Good for nothing", "*kitten*", "Fat *kitten*"
    I have accustomed myself to all those ridicule, but there was once a time where I sought for suicide. I never did anything though, i just contemplated about it. Starting my weight loss regime, I have started to feel much more confident about myself and have a new perspectives of life in general.
    i want to be a doctor in the future, so I have to assimilate "health and fitness" in my life. And plus it would look better advocating health with a leaner body.
  • Absterdam
    When I was 9 years old I would walk to the corner to meet my public schooled friends (i was homeschooled) as they got off the bus. One day as the bus drove off a girl on it yelled "Hey are you a boy or a girl?" (I had really short hair then)... I was only 9 and confused about why she'd ask that but I replied with "Uh...girl..." and she goes "A what? A HIPPOPOTAMUS?"... Bus drove off with the girl and her friends laughing, along with my "friends" laughing as they walked back up the street from the bus stop. I never hung out with that group again. That was almost 20 years ago. It wasn't the last time someone yelled an insult about my weight but it was the first one i remember. It was also the first time i ever cut myself, and have struggled with self-harm and depression since...
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I know how it feels to be the bunt of the joke. My family is all tall and naturally thin, or extremely fit. Now me? I'm 4'11'' and right now I'm 172 lbs. The worst thing about fighting with my 5'10'' younger sister was that she knows exactly how to hurt me. I am and have always been very self-conscious about my weight. So that's what she would attack.

    "Look at me I'm sooo pretty and skinny, now look at your fat, ugly *kitten*."
    "You might as well go die because no one would ever want you anyways."
    "Are you sure you want to wear that? You look like a ****ing whale."
    "Yeah fattie, just keep working out. All you're doing is making yourself tired, it'll never work for your fat *kitten*."

    Since then I've tried losing weight but her comments always stuck with me. Until this time. I'm with a wonderful man who honestly loves me as I am and just wants me to be happy. He realizes that I'm unsatisfied with my weight and is actually doing this with me, but he's also helping me see that I don't need to lose weight to keep him (this stemmed from the fact that I've had six boyfriends and 4 have cheated on me with my sister). I'm finally at peace with myself. I hope everyone here who has been hurt by someone else's words realizes that you are all beautiful and talented and that love from others is only important once you have self-love :) stay strong, friends.
    Wow, with a sister like that who needs enemies. She definitely needs an ediquitte class!
  • zackwill1989
    Little boy.