what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • jennifierrice
    I grew up most my life without a father. I saw him a few times and every once in awhile when it suited him he would call me. I remember the last thing he said to me when we last talked...."Jen, you're such a pretty girl. You have a beautiful face and could be a model if you wanted to, BUT you have got to lose that weight; you're too heavy) I was 154 and I am 5'9". I was 15 and I will NEVER forget it.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    I've been called plenty of names in my day; I'd usually shrug them all off. Most of the people who called me names didn't know enough about me. But my stepmother said a lot of mean, hurtful things to me that stuck a little more. Probably the worst one was something like this:

    "Your mother wanted to die to be rid of you, and if she was still alive, I'd kill her for leaving you with me." My mom died of an aneurysm when I was seven.

    Some days, I wonder why I still talk to her.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Here's the thing.

    I'm going to word this the best I can...

    I had the opportunity to attend school with a patient from 3rd to 9th grade and see these kids from an adult perspective and how young, immature, and often times ridiculous they are. Not that I was ever bullied but like a lot of you, I was treated poorly from time to time and it really helped me to see from which viewpoint the insults are coming from and if I did have issues, it would have immediately cured them. I mean, being called fat and ugly from a 10 yr old. Who can even take that seriously or hold onto it at this point in time? You really have to consider the source.

    Growing up, I had a cuter, smaller sister. My 3 aunts (who were only 3-9 yrs older at the time) chose to spend more time with her. Of course I was hurt but honestly look at their viewpoint. I looked up to them but they were only children themselves and not capable of mature thinking.

    I'm over it.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I've been called plenty of names in my day; I'd usually shrug them all off. Most of the people who called me names didn't know enough about me. But my stepmother said a lot of mean, hurtful things to me that stuck a little more. Probably the worst one was something like this:

    "Your mother wanted to die to be rid of you, and if she was still alive, I'd kill her for leaving you with me." My mom died of an aneurysm when I was seven.

    Some days, I wonder why I still talk to her.

    Wow, completely inexcusable for an ADULT to say those things. I'm sorry, your stepmother was pure evil!
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    There are so many. I remember being at a family gathering on my mother's side. My uncle (her brother) came up to me and bellowed, "god, do they get any bigger than you? I swear you get bigger every time I see you." The whole place was suddenly quiet and I felt like everyone was looking at me. I was humiliated. My mother told me that he was only teasing and then went on to say that I probably would be much happier if I took off a few pounds.

    When I went to the next family gathering a few weeks later, my cousin stopped me as I was getting out of the car. He wanted me to know that they had invited a lot of people and I needed to take it easy with the food so there would be enough for everyone. Then he hurried off to go back to the party. I got back in the car after that and took my two little ones to a playground and then went home.

    I have been called many names and have been blamed for weakening chairs, car seat cushions being smashed down and steps breaking. Invitations to parties are non-existent and exclusion rather than inclusion is the norm.
  • ziggiezambi
    I'm 5'4" and at my heaviest (141lb) my mom and ex BF use to pick on me constantly. They were always asking if I was pregnant. They would get onto me every time I ate. It was so constant I got to the point where I quit eating.

    That's ridiculous! 141 lbs at 5'4" is still within the healthy BMI range! I'm 5'4" and when I was 141 lbs I was by no means fat or even chubby. I was a healthy weight for my height, not all toned and fit looking, but just average and healthy.

    To them it didn't matter it was all about looks. My mom can be super nice and helpful at times then others cold as ice. The worst thing that has ever been said to me was by her at age 12 she told me I was worthless and that I might as well just go kill myself. It’s easier hearing mean things from strangers but when it comes from the people you love, that’s what hurts the most and it sticks with you forever. It wasn’t until I got down to about 120 the harassment finally slowed down.
  • Grace215lbs
    Grace215lbs Posts: 129 Member
    I was called a stupid S*ut who's not good enough. From a s*ut who was trying to have sex with my BF. At 16 she has already slept with 20+ guys, most at her school, some her friends 20-30 yr old brothers.... and she had a BF while sexting mine. He didn't take the bait, he just told her how it was. Still felt horrible that someone so disgusting with absolutely no morals, who dropped out of school to party and sleep around would say i wasn't good enough. =/ I've never cheated, never belittled someone for personal gain, only had the 1 partner for 8 years, and my I.Q sits at 128 which isn't really stupid. And to top it off i only met her once and she hugged me o.o. People are messed up....

    So guys, when a female friend tries to get you to dump your GF... Consult people who aren't just jealous and trying to have sex with you.
  • alehundrah
    alehundrah Posts: 156 Member
    My mother always tells me "you have such a pretty face. Just wait until you lose weight and you're gonna be so pretty." I know she doesn't mean it in a had way but still hurts because its likenshes saying I'm not pretty now. Once I had a guy tell me he thought I was so pretty only to add the comment "I like bigger women like you" comments like that really bother me. It feels like a backslap comment.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Once I had a guy tell me he thought I was so pretty only to add the comment "I like bigger women like you" comments like that really bother me. It feels like a backslap comment.

    My fiancé and I were at the alehouse up the street the other day and some dude and a chick walk up next to me at the end of the bar and order their beers. He starts commenting on my look (tattoos and weird hair and whatnot), asks me if I do burlesque and I say no. He starts making comments about how he thinks it is cool that bigger chicks are doing stuff like that and he supports it...while standing next to him is a stick thin tan blonde...uh, what? :huh: Even if you WERE in to pale chubby chicks, which, clearly, you are not (and that is fine) but why on earth would you say that **** in front of her!? And my fiancé! Who honestly didn't care, but some dudes would! What a douche bag. Then we saw him again like a week later down at the microbrewery and he was all "Hey, you're hair is pink now!" (It was blue the first time I saw him). I acted like I'd never seen him before.
  • what_lola_wants
    what_lola_wants Posts: 129 Member
    Well, I guess that reaction from others is beyond what one can be called :(

  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    It is the things said behind my back that hurt, at least when someone insults me directly I have the option of ignoring it or dealing with it.

    and yes I have had many a mean thing said to me but I have a pretty thick skin and I find unless there is truth to the statement I...

    a) couldn't care less
    b) deal with it in the appropriate manner.
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    When I was 12 I got make up for the first time. I was in front of the mirror having a go and my father walked in the room and said, 'Don't bother you looked like a monkey the day you were born I was going to call a zoo keeper and you still look like a monkey now, your best bet in life is to beg someone to marry you be a good girl and take care of he house and kids because you'll never have any other opportunities with a face like that".

    That was just one of the many insults from both of my parents the worst one from my mother was, 'Your a looser just like your father, you'll always be a looser and you will NEVER amount to anything, I hope that you freeze to death on a park bench for all I care." I was 16 and my crime was helping my sister out when my brother beat her black and blue I had yelled at my step dad because he told my sister it was her faut she was beaten up and that she probably deserved it. I warned him that my brother would grow up to be a woman beater if he did not do something about it and he got up and threw me through a door then my mother beat the shiz out of me and kicked me out on the streets for standing up for her.

    Well im 33 now and my brother in his late 20's and he IS a wife beater he beats on his wife 'accidentally' of course regularly and my sister well one toxic relationship after another who thinks guys who ask her to hold their guns whilst going through a body search is ok and guys who say quick put these drugs in your purse when the cops pull you over is ok and guys that kick you out of teh car and run over your foot is ok. I was young but i was pretty darn wise and it all came true everything i warned them about came true unfortunately.

    So I was made homeless for telling the truth. Well if i can forgive after all that and move on so can anybody.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Druggy and that was months after i quit drugs. Obviously it hurt me but oh well! I am winning coz i am almost 2 years clean now so hooray me!

    ???????????????????????????????????? Good for you! ????????????????????????????????????????
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm 5'4" and at my heaviest (141lb) my mom and ex BF use to pick on me constantly. They were always asking if I was pregnant. They would get onto me every time I ate. It was so constant I got to the point where I quit eating.

    That's ridiculous! 141 lbs at 5'4" is still within the healthy BMI range! I'm 5'4" and when I was 141 lbs I was by no means fat or even chubby. I was a healthy weight for my height, not all toned and fit looking, but just average and healthy.

    To them it didn't matter it was all about looks. My mom can be super nice and helpful at times then others cold as ice. The worst thing that has ever been said to me was by her at age 12 she told me I was worthless and that I might as well just go kill myself. It’s easier hearing mean things from strangers but when it comes from the people you love, that’s what hurts the most and it sticks with you forever. It wasn’t until I got down to about 120 the harassment finally slowed down.

    :frown: I'm glad you didn't listen to her! Girl, you're gorgeous just as you are and you do NOT deserve people harassing you like that no matter what size you are! :flowerforyou:
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    When I was 12 I got make up for the first time. I was in front of the mirror having a go and my father walked in the room and said, 'Don't bother you looked like a monkey the day you were born I was going to call a zoo keeper and you still look like a monkey now, your best bet in life is to beg someone to marry you be a good girl and take care of he house and kids because you'll never have any other opportunities with a face like that".

    That was just one of the many insults from both of my parents the worst one from my mother was, 'Your a looser just like your father, you'll always be a looser and you will NEVER amount to anything, I hope that you freeze to death on a park bench for all I care." I was 16 and my crime was helping my sister out when my brother beat her black and blue I had yelled at my step dad because he told my sister it was her faut she was beaten up and that she probably deserved it. I warned him that my brother would grow up to be a woman beater if he did not do something about it and he got up and threw me through a door then my mother beat the shiz out of me and kicked me out on the streets for standing up for her.

    Well im 33 now and my brother in his late 20's and he IS a wife beater he beats on his wife 'accidentally' of course regularly and my sister well one toxic relationship after another who thinks guys who ask her to hold their guns whilst going through a body search is ok and guys who say quick put these drugs in your purse when the cops pull you over is ok and guys that kick you out of teh car and run over your foot is ok. I was young but i was pretty darn wise and it all came true everything i warned them about came true unfortunately.

    So I was made homeless for telling the truth. Well if i can forgive after all that and move on so can anybody.

    :cry: This made me so sad! I am so sorry that you had to go through all of this! I seriously admire you for coming out of that environment so strong! You are such a wise, strong, and beautiful woman! :flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    It is the things said behind my back that hurt, at least when someone insults me directly I have the option of ignoring it or dealing with it.

    and yes I have had many a mean thing said to me but I have a pretty thick skin and I find unless there is truth to the statement I...

    a) couldn't care less
    b) deal with it in the appropriate manner.
    I quoted myself because I did not want anyone to think I was undermining the pain or abuse they have suffered because of others, it is just that as I got older I began to not only realize but put into practice it is my reaction to a situation that is what truly affects me.

    "It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways." - Buddha (or self doubt)
  • LittlemissPear
    LittlemissPear Posts: 116 Member
    When I was only 5, starting school I was called by one of the kids, "Lisa the big fat pizza". It sounds funny now but I've never forgotten it :-(
  • AcidWords21
    AcidWords21 Posts: 139 Member
    Relatives, mainly my sister, cousins & their friends picked on me as a kid. They referred me as born a shame & embarrassment to the entire family because I had to wear really thick glasses. They don't realize what that stuff does to someone and it kills their self-esteem.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    my daughter calls me a useless unsupportive father, which really hurts

    fortunately I have 4 other children who think I'm great so only 20% of me cries every night