poodlenoodlemuffin Member


  • I use Mapmyfitness, which is also made by Under Armour. I think it's basically the same app, but you can chose whether you're walking, running, cycling etc. When you start logging a workout it runs off GPS, which should turn it's self off and on automatically. Or at least it does on an iPhone. It will need an internet…
  • Got the book just before Christmas. Haven't tried the workouts yet, but it all makes a lot of sense. Looks like it's going to be helpful!
  • I ran half a mile for the train the other morning. I thought I'd gotten at least reasonably fit after 10 months of working out and over 4st lost. Burning lungs said not so much.
  • I'm doing a bet with a friend at work. Whoever has the highest % weight loss by December gets to design a cocktail for the other one to drink at the company Christmas party. My friend has an evil sense of humor, so it's a great incentive to try my hardest!
  • Under belly sweat (still haven't quite gotten rid of that). Being afraid of raising my arms when I danced in case I knocked someone out with my bingo wings. Plus size clothing makers assuming everyone over a certain size is shaped like a square. Being invisible next to my skinnier friends Fear of being shouted at by…
  • Ran in to the mother of an old friend yesterday and she tried to set me up with her son. Really awkward at the time, but left me beaming for the rest of the day!
  • That really sucks. Nasty people are one of the reasons I go everywhere with headphones on. Trickier to do that when you're with people though. On the occasions the random abusive strangers were close enough to respond to, and I was feeling strong enough to do more than scuttle off, I'd try and respond with something like…
  • I've never had it, but I have a couple of friends who it's worked/ working for quite well. None of them really mentioned how much time they had to dedicate to it (although one of them, who's still having regular weekly sessions, gripes about "homework"), but surely your mental health is worth dedicating some time and…
  • I'm possibly too old to be using this word, but I see mine as my best frenemy! It will give you a fact about yourself. How you chose to interpret and deal with that is down to you.
  • Instead of telling yourself this is the heaviest you have ever been, try thinking of it as this is the heaviest WILL ever be. It will take time and effort. Some days you'll feel miserable and want to give up. Keep plugging on, take it one day at a time, and eventually you'll get to a point where all the exercise and…
  • This ^ The rest of me is still really flabby, but the back of my shoulders are now boney, which feels really odd!
  • I have to admit I did love that they noticed and took the time to ask. A number of my colleagues are actually really upbeat and supportive about the whole weight loss thing. I could have done with out suddenly being the focus of 3 directors and 30 odd other people in a very quiet room though - the "Skinny" comment was a…
  • Tell that to the woman in my open plan office who shouted "Oi, skinny! How much you lost now?", very, very loudly. Or the four people who called me over to say they'd been talking about how much weight I'd lost and were wondering if I'd tell them how I'd done it. Tactlessness has no nationality!
  • I am the only thing between fat and fit. Or maybe something pithy about cute dresses and not having to go through another summer in cardigans because I'm embarrassed by my flab. "Sweat for dresses or sweat in dresses!" seems like an awkward battle cry though :tongue:
  • Toss up between New Song by Leaf http://youtu.be/9BE4PMDrQGI or Words by- Kate Miller-Heidke . http://youtu.be/xoCNFFBaOek Love the positive message in the first song, and the other is a mild dig about making assumptions about other peoples personalities based on what they've chosen to show you.
  • I have a few circle skirts that started falling down my hips, so I sewed elastic around the waist band to get them to stay on, which has given me another couple of months use out of them. That's about the only item of clothing you can adjust without cutting the fabric though (at least if you have no talent with…
  • I gained a lot of weight very quickly when I hit puberty. When I was about 14/15 a friend asked me very loudly, in a very crowded and quiet gym hall what all the silvery lines on my arms were. It was only a little thing and she didn't mean to embarrass me, but it's still taken 20 years for me to pluck up the guts to wear…
  • Totally agree. Personally, I can just about judge calories, but for things like sodium, fat and sugar I'm pretty clueless. Four months in and I'm still putting food back on the shelf in the supermarket and backing away in shock. I'm hoping that by the time I get to maintenance I'll have learnt to judge food intuitively,…
  • I think it's normal to get fatigued when you've been doing anything for a while. Just keep reminding yourself of the reasons you started in the first place and recognize that, even if getting to your goal might take longer than you would like, you will get there if you keep plugging away. Is it what you're eating or the…
  • Go for a walk when you start to feel overwhelmed. It gets you away from the food, and the combination of the rhythm of movement and fresh air should help you calm down and think through things. It works for me, anyway!
  • My motivation for actually doing something about my weight, rather than just thinking about doing something, was realising in January that my brothers wedding was in six months and there's no way I can avoid being in at least some of the photo's. I'm not particularly photogenic anyway, but losing a couple of stone will at…