

  • I take medication for anxiety, and I have not had that problem. If anything i've lost weight because I'm less anxious and more productive, and I don't eat when stressed, I only eat when hungry. I wouldn't necessarily say A caused B, you don't know for sure Paxil is why you can't lose weight, it's always math, calories in…
  • You are eating too many calories and not excersising. If you're supposed to eat 1200cals/day and you are eating 1800, that's 600 more a day, in 6 days you'll gain a pound (600 cals extra a day x 6 days= 3600 calories. There are 3500 calories in a pound). If you don't burn off those extra calories, you gain. It's math,…
  • I've been loving Turbo Fire! It's a set of dvds, you can do it anytime in the privacy of your own home! You can buy them at, super fun music, it's cardio kickboxing with dance, super fun!! I did one video this morning at 530am before work, and I feel amazing! I've done P90x, insanity, running, Jillian…
  • If you don't have the 2 hours to burn off what you ate today, then just forget it, put it behind you, and start fresh tomorrow. We all mess up, it's really hard to stick to a rigind 1200 cal/day plan. tomorrow is a new day. I would start off tomorrow with a work out first thing in the morning, don't even think about it,…
  • I am a very active person, I've run 2 half marathons (in under 2 hours) , 7 sprint triathlons, and I'm currently training for a full marathon w/a goal of under 4 hours.. I've done Insanity a bunch of times, it is NO EASY WORKOUT. That **** is bananas yo is right. If you are having this kind of fear, and making exercise…