

  • Stomach exercises will help you but you need to combine cardio and strength training to your overall workouts. Make sure that you cut back on all the processed and sugary foods.
  • It could be a lot of things. I had that same problem with my hip and I found out that it was arthritis. How long have you been having this problem? One thing I would do is to do plenty of stretching to see if that helps.
  • Doing ab crunches with the stability ball will help especially if you don't like being on the floor. I put on a elastic belt ( I got it at Walmart) I wear it when I'm seems to help.
  • For me it's more of a combination of doing different exercises. Combining cardio with weight training has been a winning combination for me. I try to do workouts that are based around using my core muscles. Has this worked for any one else?
  • Write down your goals! This is something that has worked for me.
  • I lost over 80 pounds! It was the hardest thing that I ever done in my life. One thing that I had a problem with was that I would do good for 2 weeks and all of a sudden I would just stop? One thing that I had to learn was that losing weight was mostly mental. Looking at the big picture of it all helped me lose most of the…
  • You have as much better chance for success when you have a support group. This site is very good for that. The good thing about it is that you are not alone.
  • Hi Karen feel free to add me as a friend. I know the struggles of losing weight and it's something that no one should go at alone. We all need to help each other.
  • I used to do this in the past because I would not eat properly before I would exercise. I started eating snacks before I workout and I don't have that problem anymore.
  • Wow I could go for a medium Pizza Hut pizza meat lovers with extra cheese. You asked if i could eat anything right now?