Success Stories??

Hi everyone - I'm new. I've now been on the site for one whole week.

I'm doing my first weigh-in tomorrow and I'm really nervous. I feel like I've tried so many things and have gotten so excited so many times and then I always seem to be disappointed. Anyone else have those feelings?

Does anyone have a good inspiring story for me?!! :)


  • jentoomey1
    jentoomey1 Posts: 34 Member
    I am on the exact same page as you too... 1 week tomorrow and weigh in tomorrow morning... Good Luck ;)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I don't know how inspiring it is, but since re-starting MFP in February (I think) I'm down from 166-154!!!! Feeling great and looking forward to losing my last 20!!!!!

    Remember, the scale is a tool, not your judge! If you see a loss, great! If not, just keep going, you'll see it soon!!!!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    My husband and I have been doing this since january. I've lost 26 lbs...He's lost 19.

    I started at 224. Today I'm at 198...In three months.

    This site gives you the tools to change your life. That said. Take pictures, take measurements, get a scale that monitors body fat percentage if you can.

    One week I gained because of my TOM. Another I gain .5 lb but lost 4% points body fat!!! So these will give you the whole picture. Relax. It will come with time.

    Some things you might want to evaluate are pinned to the top. I think as links you want to check out over and over again. Guidlines about realistic goals. I started with the goal of losing 2 lbs per week. After losing 20 pounds I had to lower it to 1.5 and eat MORE to keep losing. As you get closer to your goal you cannot lose as much at a time healthily.
  • gurlysmiles2001
    i'm new too, just finished up my second week on this website. Not sure what flicked the switch, but two weeks ago i decided to workout on all my days off (mon through thurs) for at least a 30 min cardio workout and track my diet. Although it has been a eye opener seeing the amount of calories i consume, i've been staying on goal with my workouts. Almost everyday i've been over on my calorie goal, so don't let that discourage you. i found its slowly going down the more i track my food because now when i open the frig i find myself guessing the calorie count before consuming the item, or looking it up on here to see if it works in my budget for my weight loss goal . besides weighing in, make sure u take all your measurements of your "problem areas" i just measured and even though i only lost 2 lbs so far, i lost 1 whole inch in both thighs! remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if your dieting along with working out tracking your measurements will be more encouraging than the number on the scale. hope this helps :)
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I have been using this site since mid-Jan and have lost 16 pounds so far. It has been a huge help to me. In the past 4.5 years, I have been pregnant 3 times and did not lose any weight after any of them. I am so glad I found this site. You will be fine. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow. Add me as a friend if you like. I love the positive vibe and pretty good at offering support.

  • em_1284
    em_1284 Posts: 11
    Wait what's TOM?
  • jentoomey1
    jentoomey1 Posts: 34 Member
    Definitely inspiring!!! Good job to all of you and thanks for your words of confidence!!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    TOM = Time of the Month

    or the curse. period, general pain to all females. Lol
  • em_1284
    em_1284 Posts: 11
    K so I stepped on the scale this morning and it informed me that I had gained 8 pounds in 5 days! Is that even possible. It is my TOM so I'm hoping that that accounts for some of that. And may I mention that for those 5 days I stayed under my calorie count and exercised for an hour three times.

    Any ideas?? This is quite discouraging.
  • patrickkallie
    I lost over 80 pounds! It was the hardest thing that I ever done in my life. One thing that I had a problem with was that I would do good for 2 weeks and all of a sudden I would just stop? One thing that I had to learn was that losing weight was mostly mental. Looking at the big picture of it all helped me lose most of the weight. Don't look at the day to day because you will drive yourself nuts!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    K so I stepped on the scale this morning and it informed me that I had gained 8 pounds in 5 days! Is that even possible. It is my TOM so I'm hoping that that accounts for some of that. And may I mention that for those 5 days I stayed under my calorie count and exercised for an hour three times.

    Any ideas?? This is quite discouraging.

    You may be eating too little for one. If you have less than 50 to lose try only setting for 1.5 to 1 pound loss per week. Also pay attention to *NET* calories, if you go below 1200 w/ no exercise or 1000 on a day of heavy exercise you're hurting your metabolism.

    All that said TOM will cause additional water weight. Especially if you like me have a weakness for salty food at that time.

    And no you did not gain 8 lbs of fat. It takes 3600 calories extra to add a pound of body weight. Unless you took in over 20K in excess this past week, its all water. Stay away from sodium for a few days.

    I always *gain* 4lbs at period time and *lose* 5-7 the next week. Meaning that I gained water and was still losing fat during that time. So relax this too shall pass.
  • chosenabove
    Starting new here myself. I work outside of the home. Any tips on making the most of my lunch away from home? Have buddies who like to eat out. feeling a little discouraged. Weigh in at 160 want to loose 25-30 lbs started a couple of days ago. Thanks for any advice.