

  • I think you can every now and then, but just always remember how much faster it would come off if you didn't drink. When I was in college my friends and I spent two months NOT drinking before spring break and the weight seemed to fall off. But then spring break came and we were back to drinking :)
  • I know, I've just got to cut back on stuff. I don't eat candy or anything, but it seems that if I eat a breakfast bar or anything processed, even if it's low in calories, it is so high in sugar. Plus 8 oz of orange juice is 22 g of sugar! But...I guess that's why MFP is so great, it helps you keep track of what you're…
  • same here...it's 10:30 pm and i'm already in bed...not hungry at all. am i supposed to go fix something to eat?? everyone is always warning about this starvation mode and that seems to always be the case.
  • Order vodka and club soda...only about 70 calories depending on how much vodka they put in :) Have them put in a couple of limes for a better taste. Also I have a friend who orders a vodka and water and then brings little Crystal Light packets in her purse to make it taste better. I've heard that a general rule is that a…
  • Yikes...ok I need to watch what I'm eating then because it's only lunch and and over by 15 g.! I think the problem is I love orange juice in the morning...
  • I love that. We should all try to do that more often, not only recognize others' successes with weight struggles but with life's other struggles as well.
  • Also Smart Ones Breakfast Sandwich with canadian bacon tastes really good, only 210 calories.
  • I love the Lean Cuisine pizzas and I think they're really filling, especially if you pair it with a light salad or some broccoli. Also - for breakfast or a snack I love the Smart Ones Breakfast Sandwiches with Canadian Bacon...it's only 210 calories and keeps you full for awhile.
  • artichokes, squash and canned spinach...gross! :)
  • Try these Egg "Muffins" from the South Beach Diet cookbook - they refrigerate/freeze well and are good hot or cold when you're on the run. 10-12 eggs 2 T fat free half and half 1-2 tsp. Seasoning (whatever is your preference) 1 1/2- 2 cups diced meat: canadian bacon, ham, cooked turkey sausage or cooked veggie sausage 1…
  • Thanks! I thought 2,500 seemed high.
  • Every morning I put 1-2 cups of whole grain cheerios into a baggie and snack on it throughout the day. I've been doing this for about two weeks and I have been amazed at how full it keeps me between meals.