

  • Maybe from the stress to come from a new week? I have heard from successful weigh loss folks that allowing yourself one day to eat what you want helps you to not feel so limited or restricted. Maybe you could try that? Eating super healthy and on track mon-sat and allowing yourself sunday to slip. Just a suggestion! :D
  • You need to eat enough calories or else your body will start to eat your muscle as a replacement. Your body without working out needs anywhere from 900-1500 calories (depending on your weight) to simply allow your cells and organs to function correctly. If you are eating healthy foods, you will not gain weight back, if you…
  • eat more frequently and smaller amounts. It's healthier anyway! Plus, whole grains and things like lentils and quinoa will help you feel full longer. Also, veggies are a great snack and super low in calories. Snacking is perfectly healthy, unless you eat a slice of cake each time.. ha!
  • 8 lbs is significant. You shouldn't beat yourself up so much. Some days you won't lose anything, some weeks even. It needs to be more about your overall health and longevity than what the scale reads each day. I definitely suggest cutting down sugar, and bad fats. Adding tons of whole grains and super foods like brown…
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