Diet starts monday :)

missesha12 Posts: 6
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Ermm I hate weekends, they make me so depressed, i binge continuously whilst laying on the sofa... Hardly even getting up! Why is it that from monday to saturdays i'm fine.. but sundays it a complete binge?


  • Maybe from the stress to come from a new week? I have heard from successful weigh loss folks that allowing yourself one day to eat what you want helps you to not feel so limited or restricted. Maybe you could try that? Eating super healthy and on track mon-sat and allowing yourself sunday to slip. Just a suggestion! :D
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    Were you drinking the night before? I find that sunday is the worst for me if I drank Saturday night. Alcohol is the worst when it comes to messing with your blood sugars. Afterall, we are only human and are bound to screw up from time to time. Tomorrow's a new day and another chance to try again. :) Good luck with Monday!
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    Maybe stressed? Maybe bored? Try taking a walk or just getting out of the house. I'm the same way, especially during bad weather...
  • So.... You posted this ion the Motivation and Suppor board so Im going to give you some tough love! :flowerforyou:

    You sit and binge all day sunday because in your mind you have convinced yourself that it is ok because you will restart on Monday. On Satruday, sit down and plan your sunday out... Not included in the plans.. SItting on the couch and binging. :) Think of the progress you are stalling by doing that. DOn't completely deprieve yourself of the foods you like during the week. They key is moderation.

    There.. Hope I wan't too tough xoxo
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I know my weekends are usually when I have the worst time staying on track.. I don't usually do too much damage, but it's hard to stay under. Weekdays are so ideal for me because I have structure. I have work every morning and school in the evenings, so I can't just sit around and eat out of boredom. Plus, like this weekend, I have a bunch of studying and paperwork to do which keeps me stuck inside, and I tend to be a bit of a stress-eater.

    This brings me to a decision: I'm going to develop a personal plan to keep me straight on the weekends. My plan will probably involve activities and such to keep me out of the house and staying active.
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