Hungry all the time?

Is anyone else hungry all the time? I am not famished, but almost constantly mildly hungry. I eat a ton of wholesome food, and drink 48 - 96 ounces of water per day plus herbal tea and an occassional sugar-free drink. I *have* noticed that I feel satisfied with less food, but I am never "full". Maybe this is way it is supposed to be? I keep reading posts from folks who are under calories but not hungry. I wish that was me!


  • widmanab01
    widmanab01 Posts: 14 Member
    I think if you are just getting started on a diet or lifestyle change it takes your body a while to adjust to something new. Don't worry just keep it up and your brain will learn! I also heard that peppermint is good for curbing hunger. You might just be feeling hungry, but you're not actually hungry so it might help. Good luck!
  • andrwsmth
    eat more frequently and smaller amounts. It's healthier anyway! Plus, whole grains and things like lentils and quinoa will help you feel full longer. Also, veggies are a great snack and super low in calories. Snacking is perfectly healthy, unless you eat a slice of cake each time.. ha!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    When I'm eating and still feeling hungry it's generally
    1) my water intake is low
    2) my fat intake has been low that day so I grab a handful of almonds or something else with healthy fats... extra tablespoon of peanut butter something and it takes the edge off.
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    Thanks everyone. My water intake is lower on the days I am home with the kids so that is something that I can work on. I do think that my body will eventually adjust and I'll be less hungry. I've been at this for about 7 weeks now, but totally fell off the boat for about 10 days in the middle of it.
  • gwendolynr
    i feel you and have similar issues. one treat that has met my needs is wasabi peas. they are so intense that after about five i am happy not eating anymore. the spice takes care of my flavor needs and makes me feel full. i also think i heard someone describe why americans eat so much more than other cultures. one thing is we are convinced we need to be full all the time, when really we should be aiming for only about 2/3 fullness feeling after we eat. i find that distracting myself is important when i am trying to lose weight, otherwise i sit and obsess about what i just ate, when i can eat next, and how i don't feel full, etc...
  • PrincessLacey
    i drink 4-5 glasses of water,two glasses of tea,and about 2 diet sodas a day and eat sporadically though the whole day.
    like i had a cereal bar before i left home this morning,came back 2-3 hours later had breakfast,2 hours later i picked at some m & m's,then like an hour later came back and finished them,now i'm going to have an apple,then around 5-6 have dinner,then have a popscile or banana,then the rest of the night i chew gum.
    but yeah i am usually hungry but it's worse during my period.
    weird though when i was bigger i could eat breakfast,lunch,dinner and one snack (all unhealthy) but still i'd be fine now i always feel like i am eating.
    my mom is like,"you eat all day and you still lose weight??"
  • PrincessLacey
    i drink 4-5 glasses of water,two glasses of tea,and about 2 diet sodas a day and eat sporadically though the whole day.
    like i had a cereal bar before i left home this morning,came back 2-3 hours later had breakfast,2 hours later i picked at some m & m's,then like an hour later came back and finished them,now i'm going to have an apple,then around 5-6 have dinner,then have a popscile or banana,then the rest of the night i chew gum.
    but yeah i am usually hungry but it's worse during my period.
    weird though when i was bigger i could eat breakfast,lunch,dinner and one snack (all unhealthy) but still i'd be fine now i always feel like i am eating.
    my mom is like,"you eat all day and you still lose weight??"
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    i feel the same way. I tell myself, if I'm a little bit hungry, then I'm losing helps me to stay on track. I've been at this for about 6 weeks too. I guess it's learned behaviour too. At night, is when I want to eat more.
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    I've pretty much felt hungry all day, and I've eaten plenty (I track ahead sometimes, by the way...I entered some dinner and snacks that I have not eaten yet)

    I do believe that distraction can help. I did not feel hungry on my walk to work today. Not that I am sitting around on the computer reading MFP posted I can't stop thinking about food!

    Off to take a little walk and make some tea ; )
  • susancelli928
    I think it depends on the type of food you are eating. During the week I eat a small breakfast and a bigger lunch but I do not eat dinner because I get back from the Gymafter 7:00 at night and I don't like to eat that late. I am more hungry on Sunday's for some reason so I snack on veggies, cheese, pretzels, etc. Are you eating the extra calories you get after exercising, maybe if you did that you would'nt be so hungry
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    When I'm eating and still feeling hungry it's generally
    1) my water intake is low
    2) my fat intake has been low that day so I grab a handful of almonds or something else with healthy fats... extra tablespoon of peanut butter something and it takes the edge off.

    same here!!! Almonds are a great little thing to keep around, plus they have those cute 100 calorie packs now too!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Yes, that is how it's supposed to be. You're eating at a calorie deficit. Eating until you're satisfied rather than full is a great step in the right direction for losing weight. You can't compare yourself to others, everyone is different. Those people who have a hard time eating their calories have a different metabolism than you. Not to mention a hundred other differences. Are you getting between 25-35 grams of fiber every day? Is your protein level set between 20-35% of total calories? Fiber and protein will help you feel fuller for a longer period of time.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    When I was feeling hungry all the time, I did some calculations and found that in reality my calorie deficit was closer to 1000 than the planned 500 (MFP numbers were off). I increased my daily intake and felt much better. You can play around with various online calculators to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion about your burn and make adjustments accordingly.

    There are various reasons why you may be feeling hungry, but it might simply be that you're not eating enough.
  • hofdog
    hofdog Posts: 269 Member
    Agree also, good fats are perfect to take the edge off. Also make sure you are eating small meals/snacks often to keep that metabolism hot!
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    Last night I made a quinoa stir-fry and it was very filling. A little goes a long way. For the first time since I've been on MFP I didn't want an evening snack.
    BTW, quinoa is the most nutritious grain, comes from the Andes mts. and is really fast and easy to make.
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    Thanks for the suggestion, Cathy! I used to make quinoa on occassion but no one in my family really liked it. I was using it instead of rice with stir-fry, but I think I need to try it as part of a recipe.