elw90 Member


  • And then proceed to tell me exactly what I've already accepted and made that clear in my OP. The point was that this could reach people similar to me, where they feel going low carb is a struggle and does limit them socially or whatever... I can fully accept that different people are different!
  • I don't understand how people didn't read me saying that this is my opinion and what's worked for me?!
  • Also if people do reply I Really don't want this to turn into a self-righteous argument. I'm happy for people to give their opinions but please if you are going to say stuff like YOU ARE WRONG then do it somewhere else. I've said this is MY OPINION and what has worked for me and also accepted this may not be a universal…
  • Also your endo has suggested it because you presumably said you couldn't lose weights or needed to. First I would really have a go at a basic science approach- calories . You've lost weight this way before you know it works. Don't get frustrated with plateaus that turn you to extremes. Keep trusting yore self. It's at…
  • That's my point... You are doing low carb to get the scale moving and it will because of the water loss associated with glycogen depletion. You've just said you will go back to carbs and guess what? The stores will fill up and you'll gain and maybe more due to your body's reaction to the new essential macro you are putting…
  • I slightly misread your thing about watching everything you eat. I know it is the worst thing on MFP when people tell you to log accurately and you swear you are and I was in this position for ages and then I thought right I'm going to be 100% accountable so I bought electronic scales and for the last 3 weeks I have been…
  • I totally empathise with this. I think since being diagnosed (in December 2013 so only 2 months into my treatment) I realised my body had had a tough time for quite a while before I was diagnosed. I also realised I need to be a bit kinder to it and stop pushing it so hard physically and stop trying so hard mentally. I…
  • I have hypothyroid and tried to low carb for ages and just yo-yo'd. I've gone back onto carbs- although only GOOD carbs e.g oatmeal, fruit, yoghurt, some cereals (not overly sugary ones!) and I'm losing weight sustainably and quicker than I ever have when trying to low carb. At the end of the day for life in general you…
  • I'm netting around 1400 a day with my total being around 1500 and 1600, I tend just to add 100-200 calories when I exercise and it is just to fit in the protein shake I drink after I exercise and to allow for a bit of fruit beforehand. I think I burn a bit more but this seems to be working for me. I think it is useful to…
  • I set aside 20% of my calories for 'bad foods' I think this is a good way to sustainably lose weiight as you are not depriving yourself every day which leads to binges. Since I decided to do this I have stopped binging and I have lost weight more predictably and positively than ever before :)
  • Wow everything you have said is true. I was convinced I was eating 1200 calories a day and not losing and so frustrated but now I log absolutely everything and anything that passes my lips and I hate guessing- I weigh everything and if I don't think I can accurately track it I don't eat it. I set aside 20% of my calories…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/19552-5-4-5-6-girls-with-around-20-lbs-to-lose-by-summer
  • I think you should first , before you do anything else, get REALLY accurate with logging. It is a massive pain and can sometimes be obsessive but I bet you're obsessive anyway so you might as well know exactly what is going on. Just do it for a couple of days- promise yourself you will log absolutely everything including…
  • still feel like it's too good to be true
  • haha thankyou yarwell yes it also says my fat mass is 15.3kg this week compared to 17.5kg last week which means that the 5lb I lost are all fat mass?!!
  • This is starting today so thought I would bump
  • Yay I'm so happy I lost 3lbs this week ! I weighed in on the boots machine every Saturday morning Last sat 01/02 Weight: 10st10 (150) BF 28.5% This say 08/02 Weight 10st 7 (147) BF 26.4% I'm using the same boots machine so in hoping that it looks like the weight I've actually lost is fat. This makes me so motivated to keep…
  • I think it's a good idea to pre log my food and leave 300 for snacks / random occurrences to be flexible. I'm definitely going to try this. And knowing that my weakness is night time eating I will eat less during the day so that I can have more at night . I want to lose about 16 lbs to get to 9 stone. 7ish and I'm 5ft 5…
  • I opened my diary so people can help me, I feel like I eat too much in the morning, maybe I should try intermittent fasting?