

  • You wouldn't believe it, but try medjool dates. I buy them from Trader Joe's and they are so perfectly sweet that they taste almost like icing on a cake. They also give you a ton of fiber so you're not famished right afterwards, and they won't spike your blood sugar. I wouldn't recommend not eating sugar altogether, you…
  • 1200 calories isn't enough to keep you going; that is about what your body would burn if you stayed completely sedentary in bed all day. Your brain needs more glucose than 1200 calories can provide to allow you to function properly if you're doing the amount of exercise that you say you are. By constantly depriving…
  • I started out doing the Leslie Sansone walk about 8 years ago. It's kind of a gateway workout video in that it will motivate you to get up and get moving and perhaps try something harder. Never diet, diets have a beginning and an end, and when they end you'll go back to your old ways and all the weight that you worked so…
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