gwenyork Member


  • LOL!!! I didn't see this. :happy:
  • I am certainly not a doctor, but I have had my blood sugar drop suddenly before! What you described sounds what I experienced! I have read articles that suggest having a small carb-loaded snack before your workout to keep those Blood sug.levels from dropping...In any case, I hope you feel better!
  • These are AMAZING! Keep up the good work!:happy:
  • I am a high school English teacher, and I started keeping Cinnamon scented plug-ins in my room after I read that same things somewhere! It keeps my room smelling good, and if it helps me and my students that is great!
    in cinnamon Comment by gwenyork May 2011
  • I read somewhere that "thin" does not equal "healthy", so you may actually be stronger than your friend! She may not have fat, but she may also not have much muscle either!
  • Thanks! It must be quite effective if all of you guys are doing it! I exercise in the mornings at 4:30am before school, so I need a quick, intense workout.
  • Please forgive my ignorance, but what is the 30 Day Shred? :tongue:
  • :smile: My husband and I joined a while back, but I have not devoted myself to logging in and doing what is necessary to being successful. Today is the day I start over. I am tracking every bite that goes into my mouth! For a while, that will be what it takes for me. In the not-so-long run, it will be worth it!