Diagnose Me Please -

kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
This was my routine this morning: got up, went to gym, worked out on elliptical for 33 mins, sat in the sauna for 3 minutes, took a shower and got ready.

This is what happened:

This morning after my exercise, I took a shower and proceeded to do my personal routine like usual. But after I took my shower, all of a sudden I started sweating horrible (like cold sweat) and started feeling really nauseous and really shaky. I got really pale and at one moment felt like I couldn't breathe well and felt like blowing chunks big time. Not sure what the heck that episode was about but I didn't feel well at all. Any thoughts on what might of happened to me? (By the way, it's TOM)

Any advice would be appreciated greatly.

((Maybe wrong forum to post this)) :/


  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Not a doctor. You could have a stomach bug, over worked it, pregnant or any other number of things. Take your temperature, drink lots of fluids, if you get worse see a doctor.
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    I did you eat breakfast? Maybe the exercise and then the hot sauna, then I assume a not super hot shower - you could have had low blood sugar or a reaction to the temperature changes.

    If you feel better now I wouldn't worry too much.
    If it happens again I'd check with my dr.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Sounds like a panic attack too me. You should see a dr. Although you may not have had ANYTHING to 'panic' over it can happen sometimes without any cause or warning. I have a panic disorder that I have had under control now for years, but every so often I'll get the EXACT same thing you just described.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    You overheated. Be sure that after you work out you cool down, not sit in a sauna :) Drink some water, and eat some protein, THEN get in the sauna.
  • If you don't hydrate properly and get enough carbs (exercise will deplete your body of carbs very quickly) prior to exercising, it can make you dizzy and nauseous. Try eating something with carbs and protein before working out and drink plenty of water before, during (if possible) and after your workout. Try a fitness drink (watch the sugar though...try Gatorade light) before your workout--that helps me too.

  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    Did you do all this before eating or drinking anything? I get similar symptoms if I go too long without something to eat/drink.
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    I know how that feels, I have had that a few times, usually when I am run down or overdoing it. I went to the doc and they did all the tests but said there is nothing wrong with me. Just make sure you stay hydrated and eat enough. Health is more important than the number on the scale at the end of the day
  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    Sounds like something you should ask your doctor about!

    I get the same symptoms when my blood pressure drops. Of course, when that happens, I go and see my doctor about it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I think the sauna is the culprit too. I might have overheated.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    that happens to me quite frequently. Mine is caused by having the shower water and bathroom too warm. It triggers a vagal nerve response in me and I have to turn the water to cool or cold for a minute to feel better then when I get out of the shower I have to just dry myself and go lay down for a few minutes. It's possible this is what's happening to you. Especially since it's summer and you sit in the sauna after a workout you may be over whelming your system. Make sure you are drinking plenty of cool/cold water and are eating before your workout or right afterward before you shower. If that doesn't work then I'd try showering with your bathroom door open and fan running and with cooler than normal water. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh and eat carbs/protein afterwards...I had a friend that I coach that had this problem and I suggested eating something like a Clif mini bar--fixed her nausea immediately!

  • littleraab
    littleraab Posts: 12 Member
    The symptoms sound like textbook low blood sugar. The solution: eat something before you workout. In the morning, your blood sugar is basically at a fasting level because you haven't eaten for the 6-8 hours you were sleeping. Working out causes that level to drop even farther. If you eat something before you work out or even drink a small glass of orange juice it should help the problem.
  • gwenyork
    gwenyork Posts: 8 Member
    I am certainly not a doctor, but I have had my blood sugar drop suddenly before! What you described sounds what I experienced! I have read articles that suggest having a small carb-loaded snack before your workout to keep those Blood sug.levels from dropping...In any case, I hope you feel better!
  • You make no mention of food intake before or after exercise and period of time in between eating then exercise, how long you`ve been doing this etc what size weight etc. you need to let food settle then warm up do work out then warm down drinking lots of fluid. Although I`m not a doc I`d suggest you may have been dehydrated
  • gwenyork
    gwenyork Posts: 8 Member
    LOL!!! I didn't see this. :happy:
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    The symptoms sound like textbook low blood sugar. The solution: eat something before you workout. In the morning, your blood sugar is basically at a fasting level because you haven't eaten for the 6-8 hours you were sleeping. Working out causes that level to drop even farther. If you eat something before you work out or even drink a small glass of orange juice it should help the problem.

    Agree... Try to provide your body the fuel it needs to do the tasks at hand. You wouldn't make a trip to a secluded beach on an empty tank of gas would you? Your body really isn't that different. It needs fuel to go do work!

    Try to eat something healthy before exercise. A good balance of Proteins and Carbs will help have a better workout.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'd go see my Dr if I were you.

    A possible explanation: http://health.yahoo.net/channel/heart-attack_symptoms
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Dehydration and/or heat stroke. Skip the sauna and DRINK MORE WATER.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Dehydration would be my guess too! Be careful. Make sure you are hydrated and eat a small something before you go.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Thanks! Yeah, it was most likely dehydration and low blood sugar! Never had this happen before! And I don't think it was a heart attack because no chest pain whatsoever. If it happens again, I will most likely be seeing a doctor! Thanks a lot for your advise!

    I will try eating something before hitting the gym from now on! :)
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