kjleijen Member


  • I am currently going through this too. Although no luck with weight loss. I didn't feel like eating much at first - actually made me queasy then couple weeks later just ate junk because that's all I felt like. I'm back to eating normally again however struggling more with trying to be positive as he has crushed my self…
  • Your eyes are just sparkling. Treat yourself to a sexy new wardrobe, you deserve it. Awesome job.
  • Amazing transformation of both body and attitude. Shoulders and arms very toned. Ready for a hot Aussie summer at the beach. Well here in Brisbane it is. Awesome job.
  • Your results just convinced me to give it a go. Way to go!
  • You both look so much younger. How fantastic to be on this journey together and support and encourage eachother. Way to go very inspiring.
  • That's awesome kazz. You are an inspiration. Just wondered what do you mean by cycle calories? Sorry I'm a little new to this.
  • I also have pcos which was not actually picked up until I went off bc and didn't get a period and gained 10kgs. I was then put back on bc and was told it would regulate me and help prevent the cysts from turning cancerous. Although I didn't put on weight after I went back on it (I had initially put on 10kgs when first on…
  • Thanks for the great advice. It's good to hear people are still sticking in there through their ups and downs. I sometimes get discouraged when I look back at all the things I have tried to do to lose the weight and failed. It is hard to be positive when you feel you have failed so many times. However as I keep getting…
  • Amazing. So inspiring. Thank you for sharing your success!