Advice for Newbies!

1. Be Realistic! Don't think there is some magical fix, pill, or exercise that will instantly make you loose weight. Look at yourself and set small obtainable markers that are part of a big goal.

2. Don't get discouraged! We all have slip ups but don't let it get you down. Some weeks you may not "loose" any wieght but stay focused and look to the folks here for help. It's really great community! Which leads me to my next point...

3. Stick with it! I should be a poster child for procastination but I can honestly say everyone here keeps me motivated. Also if you can make a few changes a part of your life you'd be surprised how easy it becomes a habit.

4. Stay positive!

I'm far from perfect but if anyone wants a friend to be with them during their journey then I'm your guy! And for you folks that have been here awhile I could always use some tips to see what keeps you motivated. If anyone would like to share any advice for the newbies feel free to respond

Good luck!


  • sanguinepenguin
    Hi. I'm new to this site but have been on a few others before. My main question is: does it work? I don't know how I can be eating as much as I am and still losing weight? I ate almost 2000 calories today to make up for the exercise that I did... but I just don't see how that can possibly be helpful. I guess I need to hear from someone for whom it's actually worked; who actually followed the amount of calories prescribed by MFP and still lost weight. Given, I realize that I ate slightly over my allowable amount, but that's because one of my meals I couldn't find an appropriate entry on the food log so used the closest thing, knowing that it was my meal was actually lower in calories.
  • SolarLibra
    SolarLibra Posts: 19 Member
    Great advice.

    A lot of my friends have a "Goal Wall" in their house with a bikini they want to fit into, usually some printouts of quote pictures, like "Small Changes can make a Big Difference" (That's on mine), and a weight loss chart listing out each pound lost. There's something just so satisfying of crossing out a number that you know you'll never reach again.

    Honesty is a big thing. You will screw up...all of us have. Just log everything, both good and bad.
  • mikebooker1
    mikebooker1 Posts: 148 Member
    Honesty should be on there as well! that might be most important!
  • kjleijen
    kjleijen Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the great advice. It's good to hear people are still sticking in there through their ups and downs. I sometimes get discouraged when I look back at all the things I have tried to do to lose the weight and failed. It is hard to be positive when you feel you have failed so many times. However as I keep getting told it is not about how many times or how long it takes it is about being positive, determined and honest to yourself and eventually we will get there.

    With the great advice and inspirations that are part of mfp I'm sure we will all achieve our goals.
  • SolarLibra
    SolarLibra Posts: 19 Member
    Oh and don't wait until the very end to reward yourself with a new wardrobe or whatever. Reward yourself at certain milestones, because you'll keep up with it for longer and it'll seem easier.