Griath Member


  • Thanks for the reply. Protein intake leading up I'd say was pretty good. Could be a bit higher right now due to me cutting down overall. Hydration might very well be a factor, I'm usually really good at keeping hydrated but the new job has changed my routine massively so I'm going to drink more water in work tomorrow…
  • Hey, thanks for the group invite. I'm Greg, 23, from South Wales. Mostly did this by myself up until now, be good to see if this will have a positive influence on me =] Was about 260lbs at my heaviest Got down to the sub 200's Currently 220 Things were going well until I accepted a night job, basically 12 hours a night…
  • 23 - Wales Finally starting back on MFP after a long break, feel free to add me =]
  • Love cycling! However, I have a 29er mountain bike ;) It's so damn heavy, it forces me to push extra hard uphill! Cycling to and from work is a great addition to your day I find (but all depends how far away you live!) Slatzuk, working out before breakfast I read is meant to burn up to 30% more. Maybe just altering that…
    in 199lbs Comment by Griath July 2013
  • You go Chris! I imagine 90 days of 3-4 will be a great accomplishment. Pacing yourself will be key to sustainability me thinks. Keep us updated as I'm keen to know how you get on! Is there a knack to doing the pushups? I might be doing them wrong, I sprained my left hand a while ago doing them. I still can't do proper…
    in P90 - Take 2. Comment by Griath May 2013
  • You know you're doing well when other people want to copy what you're doing! Also a quick tip that people might not know concerning the P90 Workout Manager excel spreadsheet, if your 'Sculpting Tracker' graph is a bit messed up like mine was (key/legend overlaying the graph), the password to unprotect the sheet should be:…
  • That's a great effort guys! Also some great advice albopballer, I'll certainly refer back to that when I make it onto 3/4 @Lesspaul, I had great difficulty keeping my arms going up and down for the duration and found it wasn't really worth it in my opinion, and I certainly felt overexerted on jumping jacks and cross hops,…
  • That sounds like a great idea Italral, I'm up for that. You say you've made it to 60 days before, how was it switching to 3-4? I remember falling short of the switch by about a week! As was mentioned, the P90X is indeed very different! But I believe your sentiments remain the same Butyou, thank you for relating and I hope…