

  • I'd put it under "Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist" under cardio.
    in just dance 2 Comment by lesford May 2011
  • I've heard too that the treadmill (or other cardio equipment) takes into account the number of calories you would've burned just doing nothing in that same amount of time. So if you exercise for 60 minutes, the treadmill will show your normal, everyday calorie burning for 60 minutes of daily life, plus the exercise of 60…
  • Nutrients in juice starts to dissipate after 15 minutes so unless you drink it right away and/or flash freeze it, you'll lose the nutritional benefits. It's not that hard to clean if you do it right away after juicing. You can even just use cold water. Just rinse and you're done. Good luck with it!
  • I have bad back issues too. I find treadmill work where I walk at an incline burns quite a few calories. And if I keep my core tight while doing it, it doesn't aggravate my back.
  • Run *and* do yoga. Mix it up!
  • After hours and hours of research, my wife and I bought a Tanita brand. I don't know the exact model. It wasn't super cheap (or too expensive), is digital, and it can remember the previous weight of up to four people. (I push #2, hop on, and it tells me what I weighed last time too.)
    in Scale??? Comment by lesford March 2011
  • Buy new shoes! =) Good ones will help prevent injury, plus you'll look stylish too, which might help with motivation.
  • It seems to me like you're not eating enough so it's effectively slowing down your metabolism. At 1500 calories, I would think you'd want to net zero. Also, although you say you want to lose 20 pounds, you're really within a few pounds of an ideal body weight. It's likely you won't ever see dramatic results.