

  • I also have had this issue, I use baby powder and tighter pants as the others do, but I also found neutrogena body acne wash to use after I work out, this has really helped to minimize them. Hope this helps!
  • yep I tried's actaully not a steroid it's a hormone that is produced by women and it increases when they get pregnant, but the levels are very low so it won't effect you, there are shots or drops..., it hardest 30 days of my life!! it's not really that great for you, and once you are done then you have to have a…
    in HCG Comment by KrissyGoodwin83 June 2011
  • I know the feeling of THOSE weekends... I have done the same of gaining 3-4 lbs over 1 weekend, I have learned to really increase my water intake the following days and workout more and it seems to go back, hang in there, this is not an easy thing to do and it seems like it is one struggle after another. I guess the way I…
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