I think I screwed something up BIG TIME. Maybe?

yankeefamily05 Posts: 657
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been doing really well at this. Over the weekend we went away ( a 12 hr drive) for a wedding. We left on Wednesday ( did great with my calories that day), stayed within my calories Thursday, Screwed up a little for Friday, Messed up ALOT on Saturday ( those delicious Baybreezes, I couldn't stop), Sunday: I wasn't too bad....

Now. I weighed in last wednesday at 243.6. The scale hasn't budged from 248.0 since Sunday when I got home. Could I really of gained that much weight. I mean I screwed up, but I didn't eat THAT many calories. I didn't log it onto mfp because I was away from the computer and my cell phone is all messed up, but I did keep a tally in my head everyday except Saturday. FML. I have been drinking a ton of water and eating well for the last 3 days. I will admit I did pass alot *crap* food on Monday.

But in all seriousness, It takes 3500 extra calories to gain 1 pound right? Could my body still be retaining fluid from the crappy fast food?


  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    Alcohol. Creates water retention and slows everything down.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    SODIUM, and probley a pound or two since you didn't burn off the calories with exercise. Step it up a notch like right now or tomorow and you'll be just fine :) It happens to the best of us...
  • Alcohol. Creates water retention and slows everything down.

    ahhh poooey. I drank 6 baybreezes. I never drink. Except for special occasions. Anything I can do besides drink my weight in water?
  • SODIUM, and probley a pound or two since you didn't burn off the calories with exercise. Step it up a notch like right now or tomorow and you'll be just fine :) It happens to the best of us...

    I have BIG TIME> THe last two days I have been running my butt off on the eliptical.
  • I know the feeling of THOSE weekends... I have done the same of gaining 3-4 lbs over 1 weekend, I have learned to really increase my water intake the following days and workout more and it seems to go back, hang in there, this is not an easy thing to do and it seems like it is one struggle after another. I guess the way I keep motivated is, I didn't get this way over night so it's gunna take more that over night to fix it... hope this helps...
  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member
    Even if you think your drinking enough water, drink more!
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    I'm interested to see what others say about your post because I had the same situation over the weekend!! I was away visiting friends and ate WAY to much...and drank too. I was 251 last wednesday and when I weighed Monday I was 254.8...this (Wed.) morning I was 253.6. I have been exercising and eating below my goal (sodium is a daily struggle for me!) but have been drinking TONS of water (14 glasses a day!) Ugh...frustrating!! I just want to be back where I was last week!
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    I gained 3lbs from over the holiday weekend even though I wasn't that bad either but I'm drinking a lot of water too so I'm leaning more towards that being partly to blame. Don't beat yourself up, you had very little control of your environment & did the best you could with what you had.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Definitely the alcohol! I had a strawberry daquiri and a couple vodka lemonades Saturday night, and no joke, the scale went up 5 pounds in one day! Ridiculous. Time and water will help:smile:
  • MomofTeens
    MomofTeens Posts: 42 Member
    It is definiately the alcohol. I can have a couple glasses of wine with a light dinner (rare) and weigh in about 2 lbs heavier the next day. I don't know how the heck that works, but it is always true. It takes me about a week to work that off. But I do drop right back down to where I was before the drinks.
    I don't understand how some people go to the bars every weekend and stay skinny. Maybe its that their body is just used to it?
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Sounds like it could be water retention from the alcohol, sodium, and other carbohydratey stuff we usually find at a wedding. Carbohydrates cause us to retain water. Wine, beer, cake, all of it will lead to water retention. Eat well, drink a lot of water and up your protein for a couple of days. Protein releases water, so you might see the weight come off after a few days. Lean meats (grilled chicken, turkey, fish, etc.), beans, and limited fatty proteins (nuts, red meats) will help your body metabolize the excess carbohydrates, begin rebuilding muscle, and consuming fat.

    Case in point: Whenever I do a REALLY hard workout, I eat 2 PowerBars. They work well as an energy source (read: LOTS of carbs) over an extended period. Anyway, I know the next day I'll be up about 4 pounds, so my recovery includes a protein drink, and the next day I go way over my recommended protein. Within two days, the 4 pounds is gone.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • All i have to say is :grumble: to the alcohol. No more for me until the next wedding!!! BOOO!!!!:).....

    Hope you all resolve this problem also. Its so confusing!
  • infosynth
    infosynth Posts: 81 Member
    Water is very heavy--8 lbs. per gallon. If you are retaining water due to alcohol, sodium etc. that's been mentioned, water is probably the major culprit.

    Today I played racquetball for 90 minutes and had a liter of water during/after (not enough, really; should have had 2L) and a protein recovery shake later. Just for fun, I weighed myself when I got home and was 6 lbs. heavier than I was this morning. The water weighs 2 lbs, the shake probably about 1 lb, and the other 2 lbs. are probably from the food I ate earlier today. So, a temporary 5 lb. gain over a "binge" weekend doesn't seem too bad to me.

    My weight can go up 5 or more lbs. in a day even on a "diet," so I don't worry about those fluctuations. As long as the trend is downward I'm OK with it.

    As folks typically say, just get back to your regular routine and you'll be fine.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    When my body retains fluid, like when I go sodium crazy I can retain fluid for DAYS!!!
  • Aw, your making me nervous. I'm visiting family next weekend and I know they don't always eat the healthiest. I guess I'll have to plan on stepping it up on exercise when I get back.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Don't worry about water retention weight gain, as it will resolve itself as you get back into your normal routine. Any departure from the routine will tend to send your weight bouncing around a bit. I bicycled 300km over the Friday and Saturday just past, ate well below my calorie goal those days (negative net calories, since I'd done so much exercise), but ate at different times than usual, and ate much saltier food than usual. On Sunday, I was close to my correct net calorie goal and usual exercise routine, but what I ate was junk food. I didn't weigh myself on Saturday since I was away from home, but when I got back on Sunday evening, I was up 3 lbs. It took until Wednesday evening to settle back down, but it did settle, since it was only water weight.
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