

  • right guys i have the pics from day 1 and 2 and you can have a quick look back at my food and exercise log to see what I've been up to! How do I post my pics though??
  • Thanks for all of the positive replies guys, lets me know this is something I should be doing and hopefully it looks to be inspiring others in the process. First pic will be up by this evening (UK time). If you want to join me on my daily fat -> thin selfie mission feel free to post and show me your progress as i show you…
  • Hey let's do this. I've been exactly the same I balooned a few years back and then slowly but surely battled my way down to a weight I was kind of comfortable with, but it's still miles off the dream weight. So I've stagnated at that weight but I'm looking for people to help me kick on and finally lose that last 40lbs. You…
  • Great to have you on board! 100lbs is a big goal but no better time to start than the present! Hopefully the pics can give you a bit of motivation and spur you on. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • Deal, sounds like a plan. Its not going to be too hard! Its around about 5lbs a month!
  • Well I've always tried to get back in to the rugby and I just feel like I've been left so far behind now that I won't catch up. But it's fitness mainly. If I can get that back and more then I think the rest will come with time! Thankfully you've recovered physically though, fingers crossed for the future and hopefully…
  • Hey I'm Paul, sorry to hear about your accident, rings a true with me I was in a crash around 5 years ago and I put all of my weight on then and it ruined a promising career in rugby. I need to lose all the excess weight now so I'm here for you if you want the support!