Looking motivated friends


Been on this a while now and need motivated to get back into it, I was in a pretty bad car crash in December and just started out by logging what I eat and make sure I'm under the calories, now I'm looking for help and motivation to lose the weight. I lost a stone last year properly through dieting & exercising and put it all back on plus a little more after the crash, i just find it so hard to get back into it but I've my sisters wedding in August and just looking to lose the extra :(


  • anjalund
    Hej I am Anja and I need to loose 23kg and I to need a bit of motavation to loose my weight , hope we can help each other .Sorry to hear a but you accident hope you get back to normal soon. Anja:smile:
  • fatladnomore
    Hey I'm Paul, sorry to hear about your accident, rings a true with me I was in a crash around 5 years ago and I put all of my weight on then and it ruined a promising career in rugby. I need to lose all the excess weight now so I'm here for you if you want the support!
  • Lo0n3y
    Lo0n3y Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you and im sorry for ur accident and ur rugby career does it ever go away? the thoughts and feelings I mean. Mine was a pretty bad crash and according to the emergency services im pretty lucky to be alive thankfully no one else was hurt except me,
    Its still so raw
  • fatladnomore
    Well I've always tried to get back in to the rugby and I just feel like I've been left so far behind now that I won't catch up. But it's fitness mainly. If I can get that back and more then I think the rest will come with time! Thankfully you've recovered physically though, fingers crossed for the future and hopefully you'll be back better than ever!!