Need to lose 40 lbs... WHO'S GOT MY BACK?!

I want to lose 40lbs by the time Christmas 2014 comes around. I'm going to take a picture of myself every single day until I reach my goal and show how my body has progressed over time. Is anyone with me?


  • shabone
    shabone Posts: 18

    I'm with you! I need to lose 30 pounds and I have a big party to go to in June. We can encourage one another on this!
  • Deal, sounds like a plan. Its not going to be too hard! Its around about 5lbs a month!
  • I'm with you! I also have 40 pounds to go till my goal. I don't have a time limit though. At the moment my goal is set to loose 1/2 pound a week. When I was trying to loose a pound a week I just kept getting frustrated and over-eating!
    Here's to working hard and reaping the benefits!
  • ingumidoll
    ingumidoll Posts: 3 Member
    hi, i just joined! want to lose 20lbs, just started doing insanity. it would be great to have someone to share progress with! :-)
  • treepeters
    treepeters Posts: 4 Member
    I love the picture a day idea.
    It'll be great to see the whole transformation.
    I've got nearly 100 pounds to lose and this is the last year I'm saying that!
    I'm aiming for 2-2.5 pounds a week at this point. It's a bit easier at this weight.. at least at first.
    I'd love to join in on the support!
  • Great to have you on board! 100lbs is a big goal but no better time to start than the present! Hopefully the pics can give you a bit of motivation and spur you on. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • Hi, I'm with you!!:) I want to loose 30lb+ by sept for a wedding.
    I take a photo once a month and measure myself.
    I was amazed I'd only lost 8lb felt a bit depressed, measured and had lost 6 inched round my tummy ????????????????
  • Oh I so wish 6 inches fell off my tummy! Fabulous job! That just means you're excising well and getting stronger everyday! Congrats!
  • monette13
    monette13 Posts: 40 Member
    Absolutely with you!!! I have the same motivation, but I want mine to happen by summer 2014.
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    Right there with you all! I am waiting patiently to get outside. Icy sidewalks and sub zero temps do not make for a good outside walk/run.

    I don't do well with inside exersicse.
  • Lizplus3
    Lizplus3 Posts: 53 Member
    I am there with all of you! I still need to lose around 40 lbs by June when I am getting married. I would love to have support and give support to others! I love the idea of taking photos of yourself - I bought a shirt that says "I will" and I am using it in photos to show my progress! Please add me (any anyone else who would like as well!)
  • SandraD1424
    SandraD1424 Posts: 81 Member
    I love the positive energy on this post and all replies, always looking for new friends, everyone add me :)
  • ratjoey
    ratjoey Posts: 1
    That sounds like a great idea. I have about 75 to shed, I gave myself a year but would like to be down significantly by the end of June for a cruise with my friends and family. I have started going to the gym and hired a personal trainer. My 3rd visit to the gym tonight with the trainer. Its really hard but I know its helping already.
  • I'm with you :) I have the same amount to lose and would LOVE to have it gone by next winter!
  • HockeyGirl306
    HockeyGirl306 Posts: 6 Member
    I have 32lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 135 (started at 178.6lbs on 1/09/14). 135lbs was my weight when my husband and I met. Hoping to get there by summer but I know that is a big hope. I wish I had thought to take a pic a week (on weigh in day) so I could see my progress. Never too late to start though.
  • Ruchi70
    Ruchi70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I need to loose 40+ pounds too. I am on and off the diet and excercise rhythm, but since sunday I am serious again!! I would love to get all the support from wonderful people and try to give support too.
  • hey! i'm with you! i want to lose 15lbs before July! I do a lot of weight lifting, so it's important to me that it's all fat - so much cardio in my near future! help keep me accountable too! :)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I can hardly remember to brush my teeth everyday, not to mention take a picture, so I'm out... but I would like to see the results and wish you the best of luck :)
  • mamaliza1
    mamaliza1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you too!I need to lose 40 lbs as well. I am doing walking tapes indoors until the weather improves here. Then I will be trying out the Couch25K program. I need to be ready for the Color in Motion run in June 2014. I need to get my groove back . :happy:
  • stinkyshirt
    stinkyshirt Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in :)
    I weighed myself in last weekend at a horrible 197 pounds. That is ten pounds less than my post-pregnancy weight 6 years ago! I am not happy at all and I hope to make this my last time needing to shed off these 40 pounds.