

  • I'm on 1200 cal a day, but some days I even struggle eating that!! :laugh:
  • Height: 5'5" Weight when started MFP: 9 stone 9 3/4 Current: 9 stone 6 1/4 Goal: 8 stone 10. Size: Currently a UK size 10.
  • Looking at celebs weight loss in magazines! Cutting them out and sticking them to my treadmill :laugh:
  • I couldn't believe my eyes!! ha ha. Now for the extra hard work to start!!
  • Hi FlightClubKat! I was the same yesterday even though I've only been on my healthy eating/exercising routine for 11 days today I was soooo frustrated about the scales not moving!! Last night I went & bought new scales that also measure your bodyfat. & turns out my MANUAL scales were wrong!!! I couldn't believe this haha.…
  • Worked out my BMR, BMI & TDEE, which people were suggesting to do. Sex This field is required. female Age This field is required and must be a number. 20 years old Height This field is required and must be a number. In: 5'5" inches Weight This field is required and must be a number. In: 9 stone 5 Activity Level This field…
  • Yes my height is 5'5". I know that I'm in the healthy BMI section, but I ain't happy with the way I look so thats why I've started exercising. Going out to buy a decent set of scales that also measure body weight, after work. Do you think I should up my cals? Or just wait & time will tell? Thanks
  • Hi geebusuk, I was just adding them up before I got recommended this app. I'll defo work on getting more protein down the hatch and weights. Thanks for you help :)
  • Hi Emiliy Thanks i've added you. I'm going to go and buy good scales today that measure body fat aswell this could be the problem! MyIrishSpirit - Its very frustrating!! I'm going to buy good scales today which tell me my body fat so maybe thats where I'm going wrong! Thanks for all your replies you've been very helpful :)
  • Hi guys thanks for the replies. Thats my Diary now public, but I only started using it yesterday as a work colleague told me about it. fatdoob, I know it says that I'm in the healthy BMI section but I am only 5'5" so you see every ounce of fat on me and tbh I'm just not happy being this weight.
  • I started my healthy eating & exercise routine on the 20th of this month which of course is 10 days ago today. I have been doing 2-5k on the treadmill 5 nights a week and eating 1200 calories a day. I'm 9 stone 5 and would like to lose a stone but the scales havn't gone down a slight bit!! Am I exercising too much? I'm…
  • Don't worry I thought the same!! lol. I started my healthy eating and exercise routine on 20th of January so 10 days ago today and yet the scales ain't budging one bit and its getting me very frustrated but I'm going to get a tape measure today and start measuring myself as it might be coming off this way instead. I've…
  • Hi Jodie, I'm new to this as well but I'm loving tracking my calorie intake and logging my exercise! I'm from Caithness so its good to see a fellow Scot :)! Good luck on your progress.x