Love This!

Hi there, I was a bit skeptical at first about My Fitness Pal, but I love it. It is now part of my daily routine. I just wanted to say a HUGE well done to everyone on here, I know it's not easy to say no to that pizza and go for vegetables instead. I'm from Edinburgh and I would love to meet more of you guys so please add me or just stop by and say hello. Oh and if you are up for a rant and a rave then I'm your go to gal! x


  • kelsmcdowall
    Hi Jodie, I'm new to this as well but I'm loving tracking my calorie intake and logging my exercise! I'm from Caithness so its good to see a fellow Scot :)!

    Good luck on your progress.x
  • ExplorerJodie
    Hi Kels, how are you? It's great to see someone from Scotland on this too. I thought everyone was American! How are you getting on? I seem to be living on a diet of soup and raisins but I've lost 8 pounds since January 1st so I must be doing something right, and it is so great to see changes in the mirror. My starting weight was 164 pounds so I'm determined to look bikini-tastic for the summer. Good luck to you too x
  • kelsmcdowall
    Don't worry I thought the same!! lol. I started my healthy eating and exercise routine on 20th of January so 10 days ago today and yet the scales ain't budging one bit and its getting me very frustrated but I'm going to get a tape measure today and start measuring myself as it might be coming off this way instead. I've been the same weight for about a year & a half now. Im doing 3-5k, 5 nights a week on the treadmill (as the weather is horrid right now.. baltic) but don't seem to be getting anywhere when I'm only consuming 1200 cal a day. I'm 9 Stone 5, and would love to lose a stone as I'm 5'5" you see every pound I put on. Would love to see results before my 21st birthday (17th March). Wow your doing great!!! Well done. Wish the scales were as good to me haha.x