blazrchicdd Member


  • That's a personal decision. I would not give up wine or chocolate, but instead of drinking half a bottle, I have a glass and instead of eating a candy bar, I have a dove chocolate. I feel better about my choices without feeling limited and falling off the wagon so to speak.
  • Lie to yourself and repeat after me. "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT" After you've said it about 20 times and you realize how ridiculous that is - take the culprit to the sink and wash it all away. Indulgence is okay - but stick to the pint size - makes the getting back up much easier.
  • There are a lot of really good posts here, and lots of great ideas. This is what works for me: Have a small healthy snack right before you leave - something yuo enjoy and know fills you up a little. Eat your 1 slice of pizza and be sure to drink a full glass of water before going for your second. If you still want a second…
  • Sorry I've been MIA since Thursday - gained a pound and was totally discouraged especially after working so hard to lose. It's Monday and a new week. My weekly weigh in was 149
  • Sorry I've been MIA since Thursday - gained a pound and was totally discouraged especially after working so hard to lose. It's Monday and a new week. My weekly weigh in was 149
  • I was so out of it I missed the mini challenge last week, I was wondering why everyone was saying they did their jumping jacks - now I can join the fun. Thanks for all your hard work.
  • 148.0 - weigh in for today!!!
  • My assistant gave me the Zumba Fitness DVD set - the Total Body Transformation System! There are 4 DVD's - Basics and 20 minute express, cardio party, sculpt and tone, and Zumba Fitness Live & Flat Abs. I'm going to start the 10 day circuit today and see how that goes in correlation with the kickboxing... hopefully I'll be…
  • Zumba Wii???? Oh I'm so excited now...
  • I was going to do the videos tonight before kickboxing at my local dojo - i'm in the 10lbs in April challenge and I need to step it up. My goal is 1200 calories, but I tend to eat my exercise calories too with only 200 or less to spare... cutting back that much has been too tough for me so I just have to increase the…
  • I'll send you my numbers tomorrow - got a late start this morning and missed my weigh - in... (sorry about that).
  • Apples are high in Fiber and natural sugars - your body could be reacting to that. I do a 4 day cleanse that includes apples and when I am on the cleanse I have the same reaction to the apples that you describe. The cleanse is horribly devoid of calories - perhaps you are not getting enough calories and your tummy is…
  • Ok - here's the skinny - or will be April 30th. Current Weight: 149.8 *Its been a long time since I saw a "3" on the scale - can't wait*
  • You can add me! Hang in there - you're doing a great job
  • I'm totally in! It will be great to have some accountabilibuddies! :happy: I'm a little discouraged... only 1 lb in 11 days and I'm working my butt off!!!! I'll send my weight on Friday.
  • Hot: Grilled Zucchini - super easy, yummy and very healthy. Cut the zucchini in half length-wise, then criss cross slits into the meat of the zucchini, spritz with olive oil and season with fresh ground pepper and seasoning salt. Grill until tender (can also be baked in the oven). Cold: Spinach and fruit salad: Fresh baby…