rj113 Member


  • Do you have to interact with her a lot for work? If not, I'd avoid her as much as possible. If you do see her often and have to work directly with her, I'd suggest just being honest with her. Tell her you appreciate at her attempt at giving you advice, but that you feel more comfortable doing your own thing.
  • I'm relatively new, but I intend to track and post daily - the blog feature is really nice too. I'd love to add active friends as well, so please feel free to add me everyone.
  • My name is RJ, 26 and 5'4" SW: 240 CW: 236 GW: 140 Feel free to add me!
  • My name is RJ and I'm 26 years old and currently 236 lbs (I've lost 4 since joining MFP). Hoping to lose 100-115 lbs total. I had successfully lost about 55 lbs during my high school years doing Weight Watchers, but I put everything back on during my time in college. At this point, I'm pretty much the heaviest I've ever…